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Any idea what these might be and if they saw the light of day, Fw 190D's or Ta 152's?
W.Nr. 210113
W.Nr. 211913
Martin-Omaha B-29-10-MO Superfortress 42-65213 Delivered to USAAF on the 29th of August 1944.
Departed CONUS for CBI 11Sep44. Named 'Carla Lani – Battle Baby' (462nd BG, 770th BS) disintegrated in midair over Lashani, China on the 7th of December 1944.
All 11 crew killed.
The aircraft was returning to India after a mission to Mukden, Manchuria. It had just taken off from Kiunglai, China on a ferry mission to Piardoba, India with 17 men on board. It started to pick up ice at 4,500 feet but continued to climb to an altitude of 10,600 feet. By this time the aircraft had picked up so much ice that it could climb no further. The pilot tried to make a turn to return to base at which time it went into a flat spin, and began to disintegrate in midair.
Official cause of accident listed as excessive icing conditions.
The Penn got a long life out of these engines. One appears in the Jack Nicholson movie "The Last Detail".PRR GG1 4913 at Ivy City Engine Terminal, Washington, DC on August 21, 1969. This was about a year after the merger that formed Penn Central.
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Do you have or know where I can find more information on this plane. Story from my father is that he was on this plane Oct 9, 1944 when the wing caught fire. All bailed out (except my father and pilot, my dad was afraid of heights). They made it back to the base and once fire was out my Dad saved a melted piece of the wing. I still have that piece with the date and name carved into it. I was trying to find anything that might talk about this incident happening. My dad was a mechanic at the 770th BS , John G Smedo.