13's.... (4 Viewers)

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Fw 190A-8, WNr 171513, Black 4, 5./JG1, Uffz. Edgar Ardner. POW - Bodenplatte.
Fw 190A-8, WNr 173813, Yellow 16, 7./JG1, Uffz. Oskar Vetter. WOA - Bodenplatte.
Bf 109, WNr ??????, Blue 13, 8./JG2, Lt. Lothar Kabbe, OK - Bodenplatte.

Do you have or know where I can find more information on this plane. Story from my father is that he was on this plane Oct 9, 1944 when the wing caught fire. All bailed out (except my father and pilot, my dad was afraid of heights). They made it back to the base and once fire was out my Dad saved a melted piece of the wing. I still have that piece with the date and name carved into it. I was trying to find anything that might talk about this incident happening. My dad was a mechanic at the 770th BS , John G Smedo.


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This is a right pain in the tailpipe! Trying to figure which decals were used on Large Scale Planes, but can't get to the thread! Don't think that I've git them in 1/48 or 1/32....

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That's got to have been a few shaky moments there!
Unfortunately that's all I've found on the internet. I'd start a thread here on the forum, the fellas will do their very best to help you!

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