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F-4J Phantom II (VF-21 / CVW-2) embarked on USS Ranger (CV 61) - 1978 (NNAM)

F-4J Phantom II (VF-21 / CVW-2) embarked on USS Ranger (CV 61) - 1977 (NNAM)

F-4J Phantom II (VF-21 / CVW-2) embarked on USS Ranger (CVA 61) - 1974 (NNAM)

F-4B Phantom II (VF-21 / CVW-2) embarked on USS Ranger (CVA 61) - 1968 (NNAM)

F-4B Phantom II (VF-21 / CVW-2) embarked on USS Ranger (CVA 61) - 1968 (NNAM)

Source: VF-21 Freelancers fighter squadron FITRON TWO ONE US Navy

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