165 squadron

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Sep 9, 2019
can anyone help im after ORB or combat reports for 165 squadron during ww2 ive tried national archives but nothing im after anything from jan 1944
can anyone help im after ORB or combat reports for 165 squadron during ww2 ive tried national archives but nothing im after anything from jan 1944
If in referring to National Archives you are referring to UK National Archives at Kew? Online search using their Discovery Search, from main page links to Online Records, narrowed down to "Air Ministry and successors" and results from that to search in both ORBs and Combat Reports with timespan set 1939 to 1946 produces full sets of ORBs and Combat Reports for No.165 Squadron. As example, approx 30 AIR50 Combat Reports covering 1944-1945, and 42 records in ORBs - Summary, Details and Appendices covering from January 1944 to Squadron disbandment in 1945.

Suggest you may need to clear cache on your computer and check search parameters that you are using.

Example screen shot from quick search in UK National Archives online digistised records in just the combat reports:


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