Major General
a lot depends on altitude. At 10,000ft the P-35 will be faster by about 40mph.P-35 (no suffix) is also faster, by 20-25 mph.
The P-30 will also be faster, but at greater altitude, allowing a shallow dive to pick up speed.
" Maximum speed of the P-35 at 10,000 feet was 282 mph."
The Battle was good for 240mph at 10,000ft.
Max speed for the Battle is usually give as 257mph at 15,000ft and one source 250mph at 20,000ft.
Max speed may have been around 17,000ft?
hitting max speed over 1000ft lower than the FTH of the engine seems a bit strange.
P-35 used a R-1830-9 which was good for 850hp at 8,000ft. It is slowing down the higher it goes over 10,000ft.
The P-35A of 1939-40 used a R-1830-45 of 1050hp at 7200ft.
Now the chances of hitting anything less than a town at 15,000 to 20,000ft with 4 bomb salvo is pretty small so best speed may have to be sacrificed for accuracy.
If you are 20mph faster you need 3 minutes to gain 1 mile Granted neither plane will be at full speed until the sighting/s are made.
Obviously the Battle is not a good choice for a high speed bomber, but in the mid 30s it wasn't that bad.
The Fairey P.4/34 was 26mph faster with the smaller wing, smaller fuselage and inward folding landing gear. Problem here is that the bombs (two 250lb) were carried outside so max speed maybe without bombs?
part of the Problem here is that a the simple nip and tuck (or not so simple) isn't going to do the trick when the British still want an under 60mph stalling speed (Wiki says 55mph-who knows) once you can use a higher stalling speed (smaller wing) you can do some more nip and tuck.
Maybe German fast single engine bomber can use the rockets the Ju-88s were using in 1940 to get off the runways?
For a P-40 take-off chart see
Now a P-40D/E needed 1300ft take off at 8100lbs (clean) and 2200ft to hit the 50ft clearance line.
A P-40 (no letter) needed 721ft run at 6655lbs and 1201ft to hit the 50ft clearance line. ( I have no idea how they measured the 1 foot) and the P-40 had about 100hp less than the P-40D/E had.
The P-40 was using 15 degrees of flap.
Strap the belly tank or 500lb bomb under the P-40E and you need another 500 feet to clear the tree line.
One source says a Curtiss SB2C-2with a 1700hp engine needed 1135ft to take-off (no obstacle) with zero wind and 330 gallons of fuel and a 1000lb bomb. Add another 110ft for the 1600lb bomb.
The SB2C-2 is neither sleek or particularly fast.
But if you want to carry bombs fast and far (more than over the horizon) with a small wing you have some thinking to do.