1st Lieutenant
.The 601A has advantage in power between 2500-4500 m (the 'dent' in power curve is almost non-existing, vs. the notable 'dent' seen in Jumo 211B power curve, between two full throttle heights). The power above 5 km is as good identical, as is under 2000m. At 3500m, the 601A has 70 more HP, on 30 min power setting
It appears to me DB601A advantage over Jumo 211B was relatively small. So why didn't Jumo 211B get installed in some fighter aircraft? If nothing else Jumo 211 fighter engine could have been sold to friendly nations such as Sweden, Hungary and Italy. This would give Junkers a reason to continue fighter engine development, increasing the possibility for future installation in Luftwaffe fighter aircraft.