- Thread starter
- #21
- 40
- Oct 2, 2023
Fighting Wings 3rd Edition uses 4 second turns and a 12 point compass. A single facing change is 30 degrees and each facing change incurs drag decel. The turn circle is determined by airspeed and g-load. The higher the g-load at a given speed the more facings allowed. Decel increases with g-load.
It does not take long for a turning fight to devolve into two planes going around just above stall speed barely pulling any gees.
All those types can hold over 3 Gs indefinitely, which is where the real fighting was.
At higher Gs, to hit the target, the target has to match your motion, which could be a wide range. Not to mention the gunsight cannot really be used at high Gs...
Gs higher than 3-4 were mostly for positioning or pull-outs, little else.