1941: top 3 level bomber combined Axis&Allies

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 24, 2007
joining the axis and allies, like the previous threads only operational

my list for category (obviously you can challenge my categories)

Blenheim, Boston III, Maryland, Hudson, Beaufort I, Martin 139, SB, Ar-2, Pe-2, Ca.135, P.37, Ca 133, Type 99

Light not so small
Hampden, DB-3, B-25, Do 17, Do 215, Ju 86, Ju 88, Type 97, B.R.20, S.M.79, S.M.79B/J, S.M.84

Whitley, Wellington, B-18, B-23, B-26, Yer-2, Do 217, He 111, G3M, G4M, MB.210, Z.1007, S.M.81

Manchester, Stirling, Halifax, Liberator, B-17, Pe-8, Fw 200, S.M.82
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Just a cursopry glance at your list, Vincenzo, my picks would be, using your criteria:

Small/light: Maryland, Pe-2. Boston III was not in service in large numbrs at all, in fact only one squadron had it, in December 1941.

Light not so small should perhaps be medium also as these aircraft were considered medium bombers: Ju 88 at the top of the list. (When did the B-25 enter service?)

Regarding the British aircraft, the Wellington and Whitley were considered heavy bombers in 1941, the Luftwaffe also considered the Do 217 as a heavy bomber. I'd choose out of this column the Whitley, Wellington, G4M and Do 217.

Of the 'heavy' aircraft, the Stirling at the top of the list. The Halifax was a bit of a problem and had too many issues in service in 1941 and was available in very small numbers, this includes the Liberator. The B-17 was certainly a good performer, but was hampered by technical issues, nevertheless, it and thr Liberator were sound designs. The Manchester is always an interesting choice since it was technically a difficult aeroplane, but it led to much better things. The Lancaster was, of course, in production in 1941, but the first had yet to go into service until the very end of the year.
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