joining the axis and allies, like the previous threads only operational
my list for category (obviously you can challenge my categories)
Blenheim, Boston III, Maryland, Hudson, Beaufort I, Martin 139, SB, Ar-2, Pe-2, Ca.135, P.37, Ca 133, Type 99
Light not so small
Hampden, DB-3, B-25, Do 17, Do 215, Ju 86, Ju 88, Type 97, B.R.20, S.M.79, S.M.79B/J, S.M.84
Whitley, Wellington, B-18, B-23, B-26, Yer-2, Do 217, He 111, G3M, G4M, MB.210, Z.1007, S.M.81
Manchester, Stirling, Halifax, Liberator, B-17, Pe-8, Fw 200, S.M.82
my list for category (obviously you can challenge my categories)
Blenheim, Boston III, Maryland, Hudson, Beaufort I, Martin 139, SB, Ar-2, Pe-2, Ca.135, P.37, Ca 133, Type 99
Light not so small
Hampden, DB-3, B-25, Do 17, Do 215, Ju 86, Ju 88, Type 97, B.R.20, S.M.79, S.M.79B/J, S.M.84
Whitley, Wellington, B-18, B-23, B-26, Yer-2, Do 217, He 111, G3M, G4M, MB.210, Z.1007, S.M.81
Manchester, Stirling, Halifax, Liberator, B-17, Pe-8, Fw 200, S.M.82
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