1944 color "home movies" from the 357th FG in Leiston

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Nice film, thanks for posting it.
Some details about that Spit: It was flown in by F/L Jack Cleland, RNZAF, for a visit to the 363rd FS on 23 September 1944. From early July till early September Cleland had been seconded to the 363rd and had flown as wingman to the author of the film during the Frantic V shuttle mission.

now that makes a lot of sense then...as you are right Cleland was attached to the 357th for awhile. one account i read the author told of his experience. he had a wealth of flight time but the longest duration of his sorties was relatively short. shortly after getting attached to the 357th they took off on the Frantic mission an almost 7 hour flight. he flew P-51D 44-13573 B6*V ( some say it was *B ) Isabel III.

Jack Cleland

Yep, Cleland did have a lot of hours under his belt at the time he joined the 357th, rather ironically all the action being at low level (seeing as he was flying the HF.VII) were he got his two kills and shot up a lot of road and rail transport.
His Mustang, a P-51D-5 without the fin fillet, was coded B6*B untill after Frantic V when it was recoded B6*V and he put the Isabel III name on it.

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