Anybody planning on Geneseo (my favorite airshow) tire kicking allowed , bring tour cooler , great flight lines , on turf no concrete visible at all . Asisde from normal P51`s and such they have a repro 190 , P47 , the Lanc allowed back on turf ,.
So turns out I am going to Hamilton after all, should be a good show! Hopefully the B-24 will still be able to make it after its incident. Quite a lineup, with an Fw 190 coming now too!
Hi everybody! I wanted to add a post promoting the 2012 MCAS El Toro Air Show July 14th in Irvine California at the site of the Former MCAS El Toro. The show starts at 3p.m. and the flying action ends at Sundown. There will be a fair number of unusual Warbirds and of course TRAINERS!!! (as well as some pretty cool modern stuff)...... It's a Free event and were looking forward to having a huge turnout so that we may help to preserve aviation heritage. Please help me spread the word. This is the only Air Show in Orange County California and we'd really like to see it grow. If you'd like to see pics of our Museums PV-1 under restoration you can like us on face book..MCAS El Toro Airshow. or you can wait for me to finally get around to posting them here. Thanks!
Ironfly28 aka Frank.
Going to be at the Quad City Airshow this weekend.
The main attraction is the USAF Thunderbirds. They have been parked out in front of the Hanger I work at since yesterday. Thought about taking a picture, but we know how Airports can be about photography.
Should be a good time. My company has a Corporate Chalet. Should be a good time to experience an airshow in our own private area. We even have VIP Parking passes.