1st Sergeant
This community made manual for Rise of Flight is pretty darn good.
2012 ROF User Manual is now available!
Source: 2012 ROF User Manual is now available! - SimHQ Forums
2012 ROF User Manual is now available!
Source: 2012 ROF User Manual is now available! - SimHQ Forums
777 Studios - Jason @ SimHQ said:Pilots,
It's easy to underestimate the amount of work it takes to write, edit, illustrate and localize a user manual for a complicated combat flight-sim like ROF. Hence, we have never had a big manual due to resource restrictions and language barriers.
Our manuals have always been just enough to get a player started and cover the basics. Plus with all the changes to ROF the manual quickly became obsolete and we know that was frustrating for new users.
So, in the second half of 2011 I recruited four ROF community members to write a new ROF User Manual that is more useful and in-depth than ever before. We certainly think it is and we think you will too.
This manual is too big to be printed and stuffed in a box, but it will be included on every disk we make in the future and available for download on our website.
This manual will be updated over time and more sections will be added to as we go. We already have several sections identified as needed additions. It will evolve as ROF does and it will also eventually be localized into other major languages. For now it is just in English.
This manual is the culmination of many, many hours from LukeFF, Charlo, Zoring and Squid. They deserve huge kudos and appreciation! Everyone did marvellous work, but I want to single out LukeFF especially, who wrote the vast majority of the text. A herculean effort for sure. Charlo, Zoring and Squid added their own expertise and artistic talent to put it all together. I hope you'll enjoy their work.
And a special thanks to ROEN911 for his permission to use his beautiful ROF inspired artwork as the cover.
As you explore this document you will no doubt find errors, ommissions or other areas that can be improved. Feel free to post your thoughts in this thread. Please, please, please be kind and respectful to the team who built it.
In the future I may tap others in the community to contribute their talenets to updating the manual.
Download 2012 ROF User Manual (English)