3 from 40,000, let's get the party started!

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It's not really 40,000 posts. Like his age, he counts only one in every 4 so he's actually posted 160,000.......

Terry, congratulations, mate. Despite the kidding, it's fair to say that a good portion of your many posts have been most informative and that all were delivered with the utmost integrity and respect. Good on ya!
Since joining this ma .. er, forum, my moustache has got old(er) before the rest of me!
Thank chaps, maybe I can get in a few thousand more, which may even make sense !

I think that old cookie duster, tea strainer......lady tickler, arrived at #40,000 about 5,000 or so posts ahead of you....

Terry, congratulations, mate. Despite the kidding, it's fair to say that a good portion of your many posts have been most informative and that all were delivered with the utmost integrity and respect. Good on ya!

Excuuuuuuse me!? Are we not forgetting the thousands of posts with verbal abuse and threats of bodily harm towards moi!?

Just saying....

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