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Nov 22, 2004
Victors, lower your voice as the Masters of the Sky speak

No further comments are necessary.

P.S. Source of this photo: unknown. It´s been a while since some one e-mailed it to me.


  • barkhorn_hartmann_784.jpg
    11.4 KB · Views: 720
Udet said:
Victors, lower your voice as the Masters of the Sky speak

No further comments are necessary.

P.S. Source of this photo: unknown. It´s been a while since some one e-mailed it to me.

You have a point However

1) How many times were they shot down?
2) Where would their scores have stopped if like Allied pilots they were shot down over hostile teritory the first (and only) time?
3) How target rich was their skies compared to Allied pilots who were at times under orders not to prosecute a fight but to chase the German planes away?
4) How many New German pilots were sacrificed because they didn't pass their experiance on to the newbies like the Allied pilots did?

Their abilities were wasted. If they had trained a new generation of pilots they could have shot down many times what they actually did.

Had they fought over enemy soil their scores would have been on the order of the Allies highest scorers. They were great but lets not go overboard and compare apples and onions.
CTO said:
and how much did they overclaimed? :rolleyes:

Frankly speaking, the German system of awarding the "victories" was significantly fair and just. (especially when comparred to the soviet one :D ). After the war Hartmann's kills were investigated by several Allied commissions and all (or almost all) were confirmed...
By 1944, the Jagdwaffe were putting up pilots with only 20-30 hours of flight-training against war-hardened American pilots, and the Germans were getting shot down in ever increasing numbers. The German Experten were doing well, but they were to few to control the situation.

While the Western Allied pilots might have had much more air time, you cannot call them 'hardened veterans'. How much combat experience can one get in 50 sorties?

BTW, ~ 2/3 of the Experten with 50 and more 'kills' survived the war.
TOP 3 German Aces

Erich Hartmann
Kills 352 all on the eastern front
First kill Nov. 1942
JG 52
Bf 109

Gerhard Barkhorn
Kills 301 all on the eastern front
120 missions w/o a kill
JG 52, 6, JV 44
Bf 109

Günther Rall
Kills 272 on the Eastern front
Kills 3 on the Western front
KCOS JG 52, 11, 300
Bf 109

Most german aces had all of their kills on the eastern front... the russians didn't pose such a threath...

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