Major General
Surely the question is "can the light/medium bombers inflict the required damage"?
btw, Mosquito could carry 3000lb from 1943 (4 x 500lb in bomb bay + 2 x 500lb on wing).
However, with the 2000lb bomb load I would figure the Mosquito would need to be 2 - 3 times more accurate than the 8th AF B-17s. That is, would need 40-60% of their bombs to fall within 1000ft of the aiming point.
That may have been the question that should have been asked but until operational research could come up with answers gross tonnage was the easy way out. The other problem with trying to use Mosquitos (or A-20s or other small bombers) is that it became apparent that 500lbs were not always the bomb of choice. The ability of the smaller bombers to use 1000lb and 2000lb bombs were more limited and their ability to use Incendiaries was even more limited. The B-17 was often limited more by the volume of it's bomb bay rather than the weight it could lift and some of the smaller bombers were certainly no better.
Under wing loads are going to have a bigger impact on speed and range than the same load carried internally.