Major General
Somebody questioned a while ago about the number of threads that were concerned with improvement of German capabilities and the relative lack of such threads/suggestions for the allies.
So here is one.
Coastal command was in pretty dismal shape in the early part of the war and an "improved" Coastal Command might have made a significant difference. This would require several "AH HA"
moments in the early/mid 30s.
The realization that early Asdic, on it's own, did not end the threat of submarines. It was big help compared to hydrophones of WW I but a few flotillas of Asdic equipped destroyers were NOT going to sweep the seas/oceans clean of enemy subs. It was going to require both better AS weapons and a better way of finding the subs to begin with (before they torpedoed something).
Aircraft had proved quite useful in WW I at finding subs even if not very good at killing them. The larger the area aircraft could cover the more restricted the subs movement and vision was. More and longer ranged aircraft to look for subs would be a good idea.
It might be a good idea to actually test planned/approved anti-sub weapons against a soon to be scrapped WW I submarine to see the actual results. This would lead to the conclusion that the 100lb anti sub bomb was total failure well before the war and force a rethink of aircraft weapons and indeed, aircraft needed.
Coastal Command might actually be useful for attacking enemy surface ships at some distance from the British coast, at least if equipped with something other than the Vickers Vildebeest
This was a huge airplane that first flew in 1928.
It's ability to deliver a torpedo to a modern warship would be rather dubious even in 1936.
So here is one.
Coastal command was in pretty dismal shape in the early part of the war and an "improved" Coastal Command might have made a significant difference. This would require several "AH HA"





This was a huge airplane that first flew in 1928.
It's ability to deliver a torpedo to a modern warship would be rather dubious even in 1936.