A full size P-51 replica for a veteran's organization

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Aug 20, 2023
I am building a full size P-51 replica for a veteran's organization and am in need of blades. Does anybody have the hub, dome, and cuffed blades modeled full size in 3d? Would love to print them.
Thanks much
I am building a full size P-51 replica for a veteran's organization and am in need of blades. Does anybody have the hub, dome, and cuffed blades modeled full size in 3d? Would love to print them.
Thanks much

Wow, I'd love to print the full size engine. At one time, I bought out some tractor pullers and had quite a bit of Merlin stuff. All I have now is a LH cylinder head.
Why not just find a propeller repair and overhaul company and ask that they donate some nonserviceable examples for your application?
I once worked for a prop shop and we worked on P-51 props a few times. I'll have to do some digging, although it is doubtful if any of them would let go of a blade under spec. Thanks to several people who have done some 3D modeling, I may be able to print a blade soon. Then make a mold from it.

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