A look at German fighter Ace kill claims (5 Viewers)

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^ This all you want…

Moderators will still not "moderate" or "censor" someone's "opinion." It's not our job.

Nor is someone's opinion automatically trashing or disrespecting someones work.

So debate each other until your ears fall off, but do it without the pointed jabs and insults at the other side as I have politely asked on numerous occasions, and now a 2nd moderator has asked as well. This goes for GregP GregP and CHen10 CHen10 , and anyone else in the conversation as well.
I see nothing wrong or incorrect with highlighting something I agree with a "^" symbol. That is not a jab, that is me agreeing. No different than your "sigh..." you have used 3x now. Or perhaps as a mod was that a jab at a user?

I am not asking for "censorship", do not misinterpret it that way. Or if you feel it was, please highlight the post and the context and I will change my tune.

Back to claiming, anyone have further evidence of how the claiming system worked? Mod, do you have any data to add?
I see nothing wrong or incorrect with highlighting something I agree with a "^" symbol. That is not a jab, that is me agreeing. No different than your "sigh..." you have used 3x now. Or perhaps as a mod was that a jab at a user?

I am not asking for "censorship", do not misinterpret it that way. Or if you feel it was, please highlight the post and the context and I will change my tune.

Back to claiming, anyone have further evidence of how the claiming system worked? Mod, do you have any data to add?

It was no jab at all. It was a sigh…

As for censorship, you have called the moderation several times of people not reading or disagreeing with your work, even if it is their opinion. See post 102: "Try to also mod those who refuse to read pages of a book sent for them to read. Try explicitly as well as you have yet to do so (apparently only with me)." And "If you have something to say about the factual content posted above I am all ears, otherwise if its only modding notice when someone repeatedly refuses to read content posted then misrepresents it by failing to read it, then smearing the book. Be genuine."

You also claim that I am only doing it to you, which is also 100% FACTUALLY FALSE. Three times I posted a general post to all involved asking everyone to not let it get out of control. Snide comments were being made all. After being ignored three times I began to call individuals out.

It is not the Mod's job to lead a horse disagreeing with you to water…
As for censorship, you have called the moderation
You do realize those are 2 different words right? That is why I worded my post(s) the way I did. If they meant the same thing you would be in charge of censoring people, I do not think that is what you do.
Have I called for censorship? No. It would be nice if you noticed which words I am using.

Total agreement with your latest message, one I have been trying to get going over the last dozen posts. If you have any data to share, please do. Same for anyone else.

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