A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Yep, for 3 Grand, I'd want the book delivered, by B-26, and carried to my bedside by a nubile nymph, who stayed to turn the pages, peel some grapes and .....
Can't complain at that price mate! That Marauder book I just ordered, is just over £3.00 including shipping - and it's coming from the 'States!!
I got the B-24 book, I think from the same place, for about the same price including shipping, and it arrived within five days - quicker than some UK deliveries!
Page numbers....well, pics, 1000 words and all that..
Appendixes over loads of Catalinas and their fates...

Oh, it's 224 pages, not including index and acknowledgements...
It's all your fault, you Swettish, book buying, French wine- swilling person!
Got another one delivered today - £2.97 and in very good condition!
One more P-47 book on the way, and I'm very tempted to get the Barracuda 'Hell Hawks' book too !


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The other P-47 book arrived today - and was I surprised ?!!
I just ordered it from seeing a very small photo of the cover, and the title and author - I hadn't realised it was Kagero, and came with a decal sheet!
Double bonus, and some great photos and decals.
Downside? More P-47 kits needed .............


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Thanks Buck, I think I might just do that. I've bookmarked the Barracuda ad for the book, which is £35 in the UK, although a more expensive edition is also available. As I have three kits in 1/48th scale, plus another on the way, and a 1/32nd built model which could do with a 'makeover', I think it'll be worthwhile, and these days, the price isn't too bad, considering the contents, size etc., compared to some books.
Just get the 'silly season' out of the way (i.e. Christmas), check the old bank account, and then place an order.
Well, since I've been such a......pleasant, agreeable, all-around good guy this year, from me, to me! .....good prices too!

...128 pages.

...156 pages.

...240 pages.

...240 pages.

...288 pages.

...272 pages.
Great Scott! I say old chap, one thinks you may have to reinforce the floor in your place, before the weight of all those new books causes a catastro.... castoro.... casostor.... a problem!

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