A visit to Santa Paula

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I took the family for an outing on Sunday to the Santa Paula Airport for a little outing. The first Sunday of the month is an open house of sorts. They open the hangars up for you to look in and see the aircraft. It is a tiny little municipal airport with alot of history and character. Remember the picture during the rains where part of the runway was washed out? They have worked out a way to make it work and are flying again.

There is an interesting mix of vintages there, most of them are 40s and 50s.


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During the first sunday events there, they often have other clubs show up. There was a Corvette club there as well. They were almost all newer 'Vettes, no classics. So I didn't bother with pics of the 'Vettes.

Yeah, that AgCat looked like it had seen signifigant usage.
Thanks Roy. I've got a Canon S series, don't remember the number off the top of my head. It's a 5 megapixel digital. I like it for the close in and ground shots, but the zoom is not enough for aerial shots. I'd like to go with a SLR digital at some point.
He's like his dad? So he spits out coffee all over the keyboard too?

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