I bought a couple of bound volumes of these magazines in the early 1990''s; they were Library of Congress Surplus, believe it or not. I scanned the most interesting articles, and as you can see from the PDF version it is hard to do a really good job of that. The downloads from the AvWeek site are a lot better in most respects. Av Week put together PDFs of some of these and offered them via e-mail but in most cases did not include the whole article!
I now have downloads of P-51, P-38, B-17. B-24, Me-262, FW-190, Mitsubishi Kinesi engine, C-82, DH 98 Mosquito. The B-24 and Mossie are two parters, about twice as long as the others. I just found the one on the P-39 the other day, which is very large with 15 double pages.
I'll be posting some of the others assuming there is interest.