Acknowledgement of photo sources

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Colonel Bogey

Feb 9, 2006
While I'm sure the intentions of the posters on this board are well meaning, it would appear to me that photos are still being posted/held in albums without due acknowledgment of their source. A case in point is this:

It is my belief that it has been lifted from the following site:

I would strongly suggest that more active policing of this practice be undertaken to avoid embarrassment/legal action against the site owner.
you are making a repeat of a global announcement started by kiwimac and true forum members are still ignoring this.

Erich Colonel Bogey,

Agreed! It is very important that all photos be sourced. This applies even if YOU are the copyright holder. If we source every photo (as I some others here) we use then we are being both educational (posting links to other great sites!) and responsible.

Don't make me come up there!

"I think Col Bogey is pussy for being such a prick"

Thank you for your warm welcome to the Board

Gee, and I thought a good old Boy from the South would know all about litigation?

Cue "Duelling Banjos"
Shows how much of a meatball u are, u cant even read "Long Island Native"...

And why should u care if some obscure little ol website posts some pics of historic aircraft and doesnt source it.... WTF, are u the internet sourcing police???

Thank you for your warm welcome to the Board
If I felt so inclined, I'd welcome u the same way I welcome my morning bowel movement... How about u go stick ur nose somewhere else it dont belong....
Colonel Bogey said:
I would strongly suggest that more active policing of this practice be undertaken to avoid embarrassment/legal action against the site owner.
Can't be bothered. I've tried once or twice myself, and quite honestly I can't be bothered. Piss on it.

So...any more points to bring up?
Hey kiwi, kiss my ass.... Bogey is a snooping asshole, and deserves to be harassed, whether he's right or not... U dont use ur first post at a message board to be such a dick, and I think ur a dick for talking to me and NS in such a way...
This warning is in public because your remarks are in public.
And this attitude is in public because ur BS reply was in public... Its common knowledge that we promote sourcing photos here (Global Message), and we dont need some nosey moron sticking his nose where it doesnt belong....
If I may add something here... The purpose of this site is for informational and/or educational purposes. While I agree that sourcing of images is a good thing, I don't think anyone should be too militant about this. Why? Because this site is free and no one is making money by posting these images.

I do run an aviation photo business and post some of my images and do not discourage anyone from downloading them for their own collections or even their personal web pages. Now, if someone were trying to sell the image, then of course, I would have an objection.

That being said, if you post your own photos on the web and do not have your name or web-page as part of the image, then you are not doing anyone any good. Why? One reason is that it gives good exposure for others to see your images and 2, if someone has a question about the image or would like to know how it was obtained or if they want to request others, then they can because they know where it came from.

Unless you are the owner of the copyright of the image, settle down and relax. No one would deliberately "steal" someone else's work. To enable people to see images of things that people may not ordinarily have access to is a good thing. It keeps the history alive.
In reading all this, I'll throw something else in here....

As some of you know, I'm involved with guys who own war birds. While at airshows we let anyone photograph the aircraft and if they want to sell prints, we don't care, we never claim or seek copyright for the image. We once deflated an issue with photographer who had a photos on one of our planes on his site; when one of our aircraft owners wife downloaded the photo and placed it on her personal site, the guy made all kinds of threats to the guy's wife and members of our flight demonstration team - we in return told him that if he was going to be so chicken sh*t about this we were going to see to it that other war bird owners charge him for photographing their aircraft....

From what I understand, if you post something on the Internet and someone uses it non-commercially, its open game - The guy who owns the L-29 I fly is a Lawyer - his feeling on this is if you are worried about copyright infringement on the Internet, or even worse, some 16 year old kid posting your photo on a public discussion board (as this) don't download it to the public!

But why make this an issue on your first post is beyond me unless you personnaly know the "owner" of the photo - I don't see that here.....
Hi guys !!!
I don't know if I'm allowed to say somethig in this matter because I've been there for a short period of the time. I've become a member of the forum due to its educational and historycal capacity.Everyone, who likes (loves) planes and their history, needs more information than other people. Their main purpose is to find out everything about them but not only. They want to share own knowledge with others. Many of us have a lot of pictures but we don't remember from what sources. So, what should we do? Make them hidden for thousand years ? Certainly, if someone is an owner then he should mark the fact clearly and mention about the charge or emphasize that the photos are not the "freeware" In this way, all will be known.
you make good points and photos are cirtainly very valuable resorces, baisically we say, if you want to post a picture but don't know where it's from, just make it clear that you're not claiming it as your own, eg i put "Source- Unknown" if i don't know the source, if it turns out someone does own the copywrite and wants it removed it will of course be removed..........
The picture is labelled as part of Cooper's collection. Is it a known fact that Cooper took the picture? If he did, then HE is the copyright owner of the picture, not someone else. Here is the copyright law in Australia, which is where the website is hosted:

And with that, the caption on the photo in question reads "The office of a Blenheim I (Bristol Aeroplane Co) The best Mark I cockpit shot in existence. Len worked for the Bristol Aeroplane Co. This is one of several Bristol shots in Len's collection."
What I am asking for is that folk be sensible, that means posting the source if it is known or marking it 'source unknown.'

My problem is not with a failure to source, my concern is that the site as a general rule be seen to source where it is possible.

If you don't know the source, once again, just say so.

Les NS, I will take further discussion of your posts on PM.

How about this then, I here by declare that any images either graphic, photographic or literary posted by me, are my own , owned by me, or are from a source that has proclaimed them within the public domain. Should | post any images that are not of the previously mention type any sourcing will be included within my posting of the afore mentioned image/images.
That should about cover it guys?
Apart from that I think if somebody wanted to pursue a scabby old railroad worker like me through the courts, who's Bras-sic then go ahead I ain't got fuck all worth having any-road.
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