Under what circumstances might the Us enter the war in 1939? The logical possibilities should include
Against Germany
Against Germany and Italy
Against Germany Italy and Japan
Against Germany, Italy, Japan and the USSR
US mobilization was a very slow affair in 1939, and it would take a lot of (mostly) British treasure to get things moving in the right direction.
There were numerous issues with the US preparation. Much of its shipping was being used by the British and even though the US had a higher level of self sufficiency for natural resources, they still needed a lot of imports to help ramp up production. Trained manpower was still in short supply, mostly for the services but also in the skilled and semi skilled sectors of the workforce. there were vast numbers of unemployed, as the US was still recovering from the depression.
the army was less than 100000 strong and it would take more than a year to lift that number to above the 500000 mark. unit integrity remained a big problem until 1944 and beyond. in the air the f4F was not ready for combat operations until well into 1941, the P-36 was ready but fell short of types like the Me109, even the MC 200. Bombers were mostly types like the A-17, hopelessly outclassed .
At sea, the US was a huge liability in 1939. More than 100 DDs were laid up for lack of crews, with about 70 DDs on hand for some limited level of operations. the merchant marine was grossly understrength, with much of it under charter for the western allies. The carriers were short of planes and the replacement/ reinforcement rate for aircrews like the RN was woefully deficient
Against Germany
Against Germany and Italy
Against Germany Italy and Japan
Against Germany, Italy, Japan and the USSR
US mobilization was a very slow affair in 1939, and it would take a lot of (mostly) British treasure to get things moving in the right direction.
There were numerous issues with the US preparation. Much of its shipping was being used by the British and even though the US had a higher level of self sufficiency for natural resources, they still needed a lot of imports to help ramp up production. Trained manpower was still in short supply, mostly for the services but also in the skilled and semi skilled sectors of the workforce. there were vast numbers of unemployed, as the US was still recovering from the depression.
the army was less than 100000 strong and it would take more than a year to lift that number to above the 500000 mark. unit integrity remained a big problem until 1944 and beyond. in the air the f4F was not ready for combat operations until well into 1941, the P-36 was ready but fell short of types like the Me109, even the MC 200. Bombers were mostly types like the A-17, hopelessly outclassed .
At sea, the US was a huge liability in 1939. More than 100 DDs were laid up for lack of crews, with about 70 DDs on hand for some limited level of operations. the merchant marine was grossly understrength, with much of it under charter for the western allies. The carriers were short of planes and the replacement/ reinforcement rate for aircrews like the RN was woefully deficient