Aftermarket decals for 1/72 P-40B AVG?

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Senior Airman
Jan 2, 2011
Anyone know of a source for 1/72 scale decals for the AVG Flying Tigers? I'm about to start the Trumpeter 1/72 P-40B and would like more markings to choose from for an AVG version.

I did try there, Wurger. Only found an old set on Evilbay. Thought you guys might know of a source for a current production. Sorry to be a bother.
Andy, I don't know of any decals for AVG P-40's in 1/72 scale. Eagle Editions did have a couple sets, but they seem to be only available in 1/48 now.

Google is not always useful, because some manufacturers, mostly smaller ones, believe it or not, don't have web sites.

What I do when searching for aftermarket, is use the major mail order houses, most of them have search functions that work pretty well, some of the ones I use are, Squadron and Roll Models in the US, Hannant's in the UK, Jadar Hobby Shop in Poland, Hobby Link Japan, and Aviation Megastore in the Netherlands, just to name a few.

There is also Flightdeks in Canada, they don't have a search function, but all they sell are decals.
Couple on this sheet....


  • SKY72058.jpg
    105 KB · Views: 250
Ahhh, Sky Models, forgot about them, don't know why, since I have a few of their Italian sheets.
Perfect, Wayne! Found a retailer for that set on the Internet and will order today. Thanks so much!!!!!!
Received the decals today. They look great. Enough on there to do several AVG P-40s. I'll report back on how they lay down and look on the model once I'm to that point. (Might be a while, though, as May is a crazy month for those of us in the public school business.)
I doubt you will be disappointed, I have had great success with Sky Models decals. :D
Minimal carrier film, and they sniggle down with just a touch of set and sol solutions.
Decals performed very well. The included diagrams are not comprehensive, so a little extra research was required, but that's ok.

Now I may have to order a couple more of those Trumpeter P-40B kits so I can use some more of the decals...although I'll have to use the kit's Chinese wing markings as there were only 6 on the sheet.

I'm just about done with the build. I'll post pics over in the "finished" topic in the next day or so.

Thanks again to Wayne for the heads up on this sheet!
Model master Decal solvent works great for installing the decals. It disolves the clear part of the decal and leaves it looking like it was painted on. Just a tip.

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