Air Combat Board / Miniatures games WW2

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Few dice, few rules and more fun.

I'd go computer sim then LOL. Actually, there are a few types of combat that lend themselves better to computer sim than boardgame - and I think tactical aerial combat is one of these.

And that means that smaller rifle caliber hits whilst having far less explosive or destructive effect in themselves, might have a better chance of collateral damage because of multiple hits that they achieve

Just noticed this. Remember, a shell casing that bursts from a HE charge is getting multiple hits as well - and most likely with a higher "muzzle velocity" due to being re-accelerated due to the explosion, and therefore more kinetic energy, giving it more ability to penetrate the armor around a pilot than a partially spent round would have.
As I mentioned last night, looking to make this simple
For example, a d8 roll yields some assorted damage options, chance of a critical, and minor dings
this is just a very basic start
Instead of having to saw the planes down totally, limiting planes to 2-3 special/critical hits
The different fighters use a various quantities of dice.

Hit Location d8
1 Wing
2 Wing Double Hit
3 Fuselage
4 Fuselage Double Hit
5 Engine
P-47s ignore first engine hit
1 Still runs, little power
2 Engine destroyed
6 Special/Critical:
1 Controls damaged/partial jam slow maneuvering
2 Loss of control, roll against pilot quality for recovery
3 Fuel Fire: 1 small, 2 medium, 3 large 4 moderate fuel leak, 5 severe fuel leak, 6 explosion
4 Weapons hit Random
5 Oil / Coolant hit, slow death
6 Pilot
a.1-3 light wound
b. 4 moderate wound
c 5 severe wound, land, belly land, or bail out NOW
d 6 fatal/mortal
7 Minimal damage, war stories of taking hits
8 moderate cosmetic damage, as above but repairs may take longer.

EDIT) some formatting challenges here, sorry!

I was moving the LR furniture around, preparing to install baseboards. I was possessed, got out few of the game mats and planes

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Here is some info on taking damage from the "Mustangs" game I had mentioned - It's interesting on how it handles self sealing fuel tanks, pilot armor, inline vs. radial engines, etc.


13b3) EFFECTS OF SPECIFIC HITS: Different types and/or numbers of hits can have dif¬ferent effects on air units.

13b3.l AIR UNIT ELIMINATION: If the num¬ber of hits of a specific type equals or exceeds the number of boxes shown for that type, an air unit is eliminated. For example, an air unit with two or more engine hits, three wing hits or four fuselage hits is eliminated.

13b3.2 EFFECTS OF ONE ENGINE HIT: Use the "Damaged" column of the Engine Chart on the Aircraft Control Card during Change Phases only for air units with one engine hit. When a single engine hit is scored, immediately roll the die again. A "fire" starts if a "1" for jet or radial engines or a "I" or "2" for inline engines is rolled (see 13b4 for the effects of fires). An engine that has been damage but which does not catch fire, is marked with a white marker (pipe cleaner) to represent vaporizing fluid - oil/coolant leak etc.).

13b3.2.1 TWIN ENGINED AIR UNITS: Air units with twin engines are eliminated with THREE engine hits. After two engine hits the maximum level speed and diving speed is reduced by two.

13b3.3 EFFECTS OF ONE CREW HIT: When a single crew hit is scored, no altitude changes exceeding one altitude level per Turn may be made during a Change Phase.

13b3.3.1 NO PILOT ARMOR: Effects of one crew hit for air units with no pilot protection (i.e. cockpit armor or armored windows). When a single crew hit is scored, immediately roll the die again. A die roll of one or two, the pilot is killed and the air unit is eliminated. The air units affected by this rule are: Ki-lO Perry, Ki-27 Nate, Ki-43 I Oscar, A5M4 Claude, A6M2 Zero, A6M3 Hamp, Me-109B/D/E- 1 (some E-1's were upgraded - scenario specific), Finnish F2A- 1 Buffalo, Gladiator, CW-2 1 Demon, P-35A, P43a Lancer, Amen-can P-36A (Pacific Scenario).

13b3.3.2 Further effects of one crew hit: When a single crew hit is scored, immediately roll the die again. The radio/telephone (R/'T) has been damaged on a die roll of ten. The effect of this is to limit communication between wingmen as per rule 15b8.3.

l3b3.4 EFFECTS OF ONE FUEL HIT: When a single fuel hit is scored, immediately roll the die again. A "fire" Starts if a "1", "2" or "3" is rolled (see l3 for the effects of fires). An engine that has been damage but which does not catch fire, is marked with a white marker (pipe cleaner) to represent vaporizing fluid - oil/coolant leak etc.).

13b3.4.1 NO SELF SEALING TANKS: Aircraft without self-sealing fuel tanks. A "fire" Starts if a "1 - 5" is rolled on aircraft without self-sealing fuel tanks. These air units are: Ki-lO Perry, Ki-27 Nate, K'-43 I Oscar, ASM4 Claude, ASM2 Zero, A6M3 Ramp, Gladiator, CW-21 Demon, P-35A, P¬36A Mohawk, Me- 109B/D/E-l, Finnish F2A-l Buffalo. Air units with at least rudimentary or inefficient self-sealing fuel tanks, a fire starts with a die roll of 1 through 4; the air units effected by this: Ki-43 II Oscar, Ki-44 Tojo, and P-43a Lancer.

13b3.5 EFFECTS OF WING HITS: There are no extra effects for one wing hit. However, after a second wing hit, no tight turn, half-loop or roll maneuvers may be performed by the air unit. The air unit is immediately eliminated if marked to perform a tight turn, half-loop or roll maneuver at the time a second wing hit is scored.

13b3.6 EFFECTS OF FUSELAGE HITS: There are no extra effects for one or two fuselage hits. However, after the third fuselage hit, no half-loop or roll maneuvers may be performed by the air unit. The air unit is immediately eliminated if marked to perform a half-loop or roll maneuver at the time a third fuselage hit is scored.

13b3.7 EFFECTS OF ONE RUDDER HIT: When a single rudder hit is scored, mark all maneuvers by the number after the "/" on the AIRCRAFT CONTROL CARD maneuver chart.

13b4) FIRES: Once started and marked (see 13b1.2, 13b3.2, 13b3.4), if an air unit's "fire" is not extinguished during the same Turn as it started, the air unit is eliminated. During a Change Phase, immediately after changing altitude and/or speed, an attempt must be made to extinguish any "fires" on an air unit by rolling a die. A modified roll of "9" or more "extinguishes" a "fire" - remove the black fire marker and replace with a "white pipe cleaner" marker to indicate a damaged engine.). The die roll is modified by "+2" per altitude level just (i.e., during that same Change Phase) dived. Separate rolls are required for each fire marker showing.
Wings of Glory is another really good miniature air battle game. There is a world war 1 version as well as world war 2.
thanks Scruffy!

A brief progress report may be in order here...
The shell/basic outline of my little game evolves, blows up, recovers, gets neglected, then I get back to it.
FOR EYE_APPEAL, I want a lot of miniatures on the game mat, so some of the detail has to yield to speed the flow of the game. I also want the battles resolved quickly so that there can be several battles in an afternoon. Each side gets an AREA map. I got this roll of paper, like gift wrapping, brown with thin blue hex lines. Towns, main roads, bridges/basic stuff will be marked. Random roll for US for missions. The German leader will have missions too as well as on-call events. As a campaign could develop, more info gets onto the map. Most gaming, the scenario calls for US: Bomb Bridge at XD123456 LW: Defend bridge at XD123456 which is a crock of poo. LW will have to react from ground spotter reports. Contact may not result. Other plans may enter the area but generally I'm looking for a US Group vs an LW Staffel for starters and a US FW vs an LW Gruppe when I get more experience. 4-planes=1 counter on the AREA map. The LW players better husband their resources as supplies/spare parts/new aircraft/fuel are not getting through all that well. Meanwhile, expect each US Sqdn to be full-up at 16 planes daily.

Once there has been a spotting (variable by weather/light), play reverts to game mats. Then miniatures are used. Spotting rolls continue but one side may still get a bounce in.
The way that I am heading now is a marked DECREASE in detailed aircraft performances differences and an INCREASE in pilot ability/experience determining actions or success. I also have some skill progression charts, replacement quality charts (not very good for the Germans unless they get a pilot coming off instructor duties or returning after wound recovery). The 9th AF Thunderbolt pilots, few aces, but overall good pilots. Occasionally they have a well-trained replacement lacking in real combat skills. So you need skill rolls to get into firing position. Combats are BOUNCE, DOGFIGHT, BOMBER ATTACK. The firepower and damage models are fairly aircraft-specific. I've looked around as in a few posts above, looked at other games, thrown this all into the pot and have boiled this down many times. What I keep getting is 2x .50 cal/13mm =1 pt 1 x 20mm=2pt so
Bf109G-4 =2 (2x7.9mm deck guns nearly worthless)
Bf109G-6 =3
Bf109G-6/R6 =7 ( 2x2pt gun pods)
Bf109G/U4 =7* (nose 30mm cannon)
the 30mm mk108 is bothersome to calculate so there is variable damage.
P-51B/C =2
P-51D =3
P-47D =4
P-38 =4

You add the firepower to a die roll if the shooter, add your DEF value if you are the defender to your die roll, consult a damage chart. Some shifting around for pilot skill, BOUNCE or DOGFIGHT, etc.

lots more to work out
must figure out the correct amount of AAA for LW and US advanced air fields. The locations will no doubt become known

I am also busy with a 1/285 scale sculpt of an F-105 F or G.



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