Aircraft of the Third Reich discount coupon

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York
Dear fellow forum members,

If you are considering purchasing Volume 1 of this three volume revamping of the late William Green "classic", Warplanes of the Third Reich, then please feel free to use the following coupon that came with my copy of the book.

PS Though I recommend the book highly, other than a discount on purchase of Volume 2 should you supply me the code (read attachment below), I receive no compensation whatever from this offer.

If the Mods find this post "out-of-bounds" please delete.

Best regards. Jim

AIRCRAFT of the Third Reich savings coupon.JPG

I received the following two E-mails concerning the projected delivery date of Volume 2 in this series:

Dear Jim
Thank you for your interest in the forthcoming volumes of Aircraft of the Third Reich.
We have been informed by the publisher that the expected publication dates have now been changed to later in the year. Unfortunately they haven't given us a solid date as yet but they have said that they will announce on the website when they do.

Chris Tordoff
Sales and Marketing
Crécy Publishing Ltd
1a Ringway Trading Estate
Shadowmoss Road
M22 5LH
osCommerce well as...

Dear Mr Nicoletti,

We are still busy working on Volume Two. The book is 80% complete but the last 20% takes more time because it all has to be proof read, then it has to go to the indexer and then finally we have to allow three months for repro, printing and shipping. This means we are now looking at publication early next year.

We will be contacting all our customers once we have a definite date. We will also be updating our website. You will be able to order your copy from our website or over the phone.

Please accept our apologies for the delay.

With best wishes,


Janice Frankham
Production Manager

Midsummer Books Ltd
Aerospace Publishing Ltd
179 Dalling Road
London W6 0ES

Tel: +44(0)20 8735 4204
Fax: +44(0)20 8749 6249

So I guess we wait a little longer...

On a similar note, I am begining to believe that the original "Warplanes of the Third Reich" was issued in both good quality and not-so-good quality printings. Mine is unfortunately one of the later. And I always wondered why many of the pictures where almost blacked-out! Gotta get my hands on a good "original" version of the late Mr. Green's work.

Regards, Capt. Vick
Why was the second volume never released? Damn! Anyone know why?

Everything that's ever been said about Aircraft of the Luftwaffe has been said already? :D

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