Aircraft Pictures by Victor Platonov

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Aug 24, 2006
Here are the pictures of my friend Victor Platonov from Kazan, Russia.
At first were created scetches, wich were later colored and detailed in Photoshop, Painter by using Wacom.


  • su-17-M4.jpg
    57.9 KB · Views: 379
  • su-17-M4-copy.jpg
    81.4 KB · Views: 360
  • TU-95-k22.jpg
    53.7 KB · Views: 360
Is that second one a Bear? Thing about those long range Birds is how much crap they start hanging on them as the airframe matures. Same thing happened to the P3. Ends up being a flying pig. Beauty when they first came of the production line, they end up looking like Rube Goldberg affairs.
Thanks for replies.
The first one is (Sukhoi) Su 17M4 Fitter. Was a real plane, Black devil. Served in Afghanistan in 274 APIB (regiment). Represented with OFAB 500. Spring 1988.
The second - heavy bomber (Tupolev) Tu 95K-22 with missile complex system Kh-22.
If it is realy interesting I can place much more pics...
sorry for my not excellent english.

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