Aircraft Requests

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Sep 19, 2006
Hallo to all!
I'm a new member from Italy, and I search some informations about the Bristol Beaufighter captured by the Italian in Dec. 1941, when it landed in Sicily. I know it was a "Beau" Mk IC of the Coastal Command, "en route" to Malta. I think, on the base of the only four photos of the aircraft that the camouflage of the upper surfaces was "Extra dark sea Grey" only, roughly applied (the wing edge paint is very irregular for example) with no "Dark slate grey" spot on the upper camouflage, and "Sky type S" on the undersurfaces, probably because the 252 Sqn. in Malta need urgent aircraft for to defend the island. Can anyone confirm this hypotheses?
First the italians air force paint the white cross on the rudder and the band on the fuselage, and late put the italian "fasci" on the wings; unfortunately the aircraft crashes in dec. 1942, late destiny of the wreckage unknow.
I think also that the aircraft was a plane of the first serie built of MK IC, 'cause the lack of the 4 guns on the right wing.
Can anyone help me with the serial numebers etc.
Thank to all!

Maybe post this in the aviation thread. You'll have a bigger chance of getting an answer.

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