"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (24 Viewers)

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The source of the artical about the Russian soldiers hiding:
Ukrainska Pravda
Fri, May 26, 2023, 7:00 AM PDT

Cryrillic is not always easy to translate to English.

In Bulgarian, panicheski se kriyat (панически се крият) means "they hide in panic" but panicheski (панически) literally means "panicky".
I really enjoy the fact that since Ukraine wiped the floor with Russia's ass last summer, this pending "Spring Offensive" has got to be one of the greatest suspense thrillers of all time.

The media lead-up, the sporadic pushes against Russian positions and the severe bleeding at Bakhmut all the while keeping Russia jumping at the slightest snap of a twig, is the stuff of legend.
Medvedev replaced this guy: Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Wikipedia
I still remember how Zhirinovsky urged for placing nuclear waste deposits on the Estonian border with giant fans that would blow the air into Estonian territory. It was about 30 years ago.
The official number of people missing (military and civilians): 23,700.
It could be an air defence platform as well. Riverbeds are preferred routes for cruise missiles and for long-range UAVs.
I may have overstepped, as 54 tons is likely too small for mounting fixed anti ship missiles. Even the very small Russian Osa-class missile boats are over 200 tons. I suppose the best the Gyurza-M-class gunboats can get is anti air MANPADS.


It is psychological warfare performed with artistry.
The Katran-M weapon system aboard their gunboats is multi-platform and includes anti-air and anti-shipping capabilities.

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