"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Bakhmut is fixing the better Russian troops in a pointless place. Russia is juggling troops with its poor logistics to hold Bakhmut. A place that is important only because of Putin thinks it is. It weakens the lines of Russian forces where the real blow will fall. It was denuding Russian defenses even in Russia.
I'd sure feel foolish though if it turned out punching through Bakhmut was the plan all along.
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Bakhmut is to Putin as Stalingrad was to Hitler.

A personal fixation that was to intimidate the enemy and be a political power point.

And in the case of either, became a costly meat-grinder that stalled an offensive and allowed their adversary to regroup and launch a devestating counter-offensive.
For the Germans, this was the turning point of the war in the east.
In Russia's case? Well, Putin's war has mirrored Hitler's eastern adventure thus far, so I suspect that Bakhmut (Stalingrad V2.0) just might just be the tipping point for his adventure, too.

We will soon see.
Bah! We've been hearing about the coming spring offensive for months now. It's nearly June. It's time to put up or shut up.
More posturing:

And an appropriate response:
They operate from various locations that are not typical airfields or bases.

At one point, it was an industrial warehouse located alongside a highway, where the aircraft were parked and maintained inside during the day.
I'm not denying that the Ukrainian air force are flying from non-standard runways, highways etc, thing is, any videos released by the UAF of MiG -29s armed with HARM missiles usually seem to be of operations from actual proper military airfields.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5nWxN1ymW4
Prepositioned satellite fields? Just guessing.
Posting a link to a list of Ukrainian airfields and airports – there doesn't seem to be a shortage of runways to disperse to across the country – although in many cases some of the runway surfaces might be in need of repair. But yeah, satellite airfields of any of the Soviet-era fields could well be in use as well. I just don't think you could be carrying out too many HARM/JDAM-ER/Storm Shadow sorties if your squadron has to move to a new airfield every day – every few days maybe?

List of airports in Ukraine - Wikipedia
I just don't think you could be carrying out too many HARM/JDAM-ER/Storm Shadow sorties if your squadron has to move to a new airfield every day – every few days maybe?

List of airports in Ukraine - Wikipedia

This is a fair point, and you're right to bring it up. Looking at the articles posted above regarding Russian weaknesses regarding satellite intelligence platforms, "every day" would seem excessive, and I was likely wrong in writing that, and overstating what I'd admittedly read a couple of months ago with all that implies about misremembering. Thanks for keeping me honest.
first number is pretty much correct the second one is wrong - typically total life is considered 3 overhauls - with reasonable management you are able to reach 1200-1500 hrs for fast jet engine total, removing red limiters (switching to war emergency mode) is reducing your engine life pretty much down to 50 hours. Similar effect is coming with extensive use of afterburner.

Putin's foolishness in stationing nukes in Belarus as a gesture could make for some problems should Lukashenko have problems retaining power. He is after all a very unpopular leader, and if deposed, the Russians would have to fetch those nukes back again.

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