"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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I am dissappointed at how Israel has not provided direct military aid to Ukraine. The Israelis are the last people I would expect to be concerned of how Moscow may perceive them.

The Israelis too are operating over Syria, with Russian planes sharing the airspace. I suspect they're more worried about Hezbollah resupply than Ukrainian.
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I dare a Russian-crewed Sukhoi to try to shoot down an Israeli F-35, F-15 or F-16. Within the month Israel's support to Ukraine would dramatically increase.

Who said anything about anyone shooting down another? Working alongside other nations requires much more nuance than that, involving weighting benefits and trade-offs, that don't involve a shoot-down.
Once again, Putin has shown an amazing level of hypocrisy. His forces have been bombarding civilian targets in Ukraine for over a year, and he has the insane level of gall to claim a similar attack on any target in Russia is terrorism?

Did he forget to take his anti-stupidity medications again? We know he should be on heavy doses of anti-hypocrisy medication, but a [redacted] judge has decided to revoke its FDA approval.
I am dissappointed at how Israel has not provided direct military aid to Ukraine. The Israelis are the last people I would expect to be concerned of how Moscow may perceive them.
Israel has to walk a fine line with Russia in order to maintain relative peace in their region.

This very subject came up a while back in regards to sharing their Iron Dome system with Ukraine.

They want to help and are doing as much as they can without getting Moscow's panties in a wad.
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Once again, Putin has shown an amazing level of hypocrisy. His forces have been bombarding civilian targets in Ukraine for over a year, and he has the insane level of gall to claim a similar attack on any target in Russia is terrorism?

Did he forget to take his anti-stupidity medications again? We know he should be on heavy doses of anti-hypocrisy medication, but a [redacted] judge has decided to revoke its FDA approval.
Putin views Ukraine the same way Lincoln viewed the Confederacy, a break-away region that needs to be brought back into the (Soviet) Union. Thus, punative strikes on rebel populations are legitimate. But because he does not recognize the right of self- defense in what is to him a rebellious part of the Rodina, any resistance is an act of treason.
Putin pretty much sees all of the former Soviet Union or Russian Empire possessions as belonging to his Russia.

The problem with his view, is that the vast majority of said possessions were/are sovereign nations, some of which existed long before Russia was even founded.
Foolish Westerner, don't confuse the fables and myths told to you by your "historians". Moscow is the true seat of Eurasian civilization. And always has been.

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