"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (34 Viewers)

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Something to keep in mind.

I went through some of the amounts contributed/committed by the various countries to Ukraine. If you look at the various amounts vs the contributing country's population then Canada (475 CAD/person) is not that far behind the US (525 USD/person). Bearing in mind the concept of discretionary funds (ie funds available for things other than the necessities of maintaining a reasonable living standard) I think the Canadians can be quite proud of their contribution. Economy of scale/gross size of the economy has a very large effect when we are discussing the contributions to Ukraine.

______________ Population_______Funding
Canada______~41,000,000______19.5 billion CAD
US_________~330,000,000_____174.0 billion USD
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Soon, the new self propelled artillery for the russian troops:

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