"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (14 Viewers)

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Made in Russia

''...a gearshift lever falling off, constant leaks, and engine problems...''

''...they arrived in seemingly brand-new condition but suffered from constant oil leaks, "flimsy" transfer cases, and engines that seized up after about 3,000 miles of use...''


O find this part interesting:

" "They could guard some sections of the Russian-Ukrainian border, which would free Russian units for fighting elsewhere," said Valeriy Ryabykh, editor of the Ukrainian publication Defence Express."

That could be a good deal for Moscow.
Glorious Leader has also started a chest thumping routine lately, which I am willing to bet, is a result of a new partnership with Moscow.

What's not clear, though, is if Putin is egging him on to create a distraction, which failed with Belarus, or if Glorious Leader is thinking that Russia will back him up if he starts shit.

What is very clear though, is that it won't end well for NK if he does.

A clear message from Seoul says it all:
"...that day will be the end of the North Korean regime."

Well, Glorious Leader hitching his wagon to Putin is a tremendous mistake.

Here's why:
First of all, his troops will get mauled by Ukraine - several have already been killed.
Secondly, his providing troops to Russia, even as thinly veiled "Russian regulars" opens the door for France, Poland and others to do the same.
Then there's the issue of assuming Russia will back their play when they F**k with South Korea, which has the immediate backing of the U.S.

Now this last point has gravity - if NK rolls into SK, the U.S. will immediately back South Korea up - does Glorious Leader think that Russia wants to play hardball with the Americans?
No, they do not - especially since that *if* Russia backs up NK, then that brings the U.S. into direct contact with Russia.

And then, sh!t will get real.
Then there's the issue of assuming Russia will back their play when they F**k with South Korea, which has the immediate backing of the U.S.

Now this last point has gravity - if NK rolls into SK, the U.S. will immediately back South Korea up - does Glorious Leader think that Russia wants to play hardball with the Americans?
No, they do not - especially since that *if* Russia backs up NK, then that brings the U.S. into direct contact with Russia.

And then, sh!t will get real.

That's the crux of DPRK's mistake here, I think. Putin will not honor any agreement that might hurt his standing in Russia. Un is trying to curry favor with a nation and leader that just doesn't give a shit about him or his country, and really can't do a thing if war breaks out on the Korean peninsula while it's busy
Well, Glorious Leader hitching his wagon to Putin is a tremendous mistake. Here's why:
First of all, his troops will get mauled by Ukraine - several have already been killed.
Secondly, his providing troops to Russia, even as thinly veiled "Russian regulars" opens the door for France, Poland and others to do the same.

And Putin must be desperate because surely he has realised that this enables other countries to support Ukraine.

If the EU NATO allies were to provide major well equipped manpower support to Ukraine right now the Ukrainians could regain most of their stolen territory within 90 days and then when "peace" talks are forced on Ukraine in late January they will hold enough aces to exchange Kursk for those territories in Putins control.

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