"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I had read reports of cuban volunteers signing for the russian Army for the paycheck (2.500 USD/month) and russian citizenship.

Which I found a bit strange, I don't think that russian citizenship is worth even the paper of the passport and the paycheck way high for Rusia.

Maybe that my western outlook don't value russian citizenship too mucho while for third world people could be worth or maybe that they aren't true volunteers.
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Blinken as reported by ISW:

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on June 2 that calls for a ceasefire are unacceptable because they will freeze the current lines in place and enable Putin to consolidate control of occupied areas and prepare for future attacks on Ukraine.[28] Blinken noted that the war is a strategic failure for Russia and Russia is worse off militarily, economically, and geopolitically than before the start of its full-scale invasion – all contrary to Russian President Vladimir Putin's broader strategic aims. Blinken noted that the war undermined many of Putin's broader goals, including to divide NATO, foster a partnership with China, and strengthen the Russian military. Blinken stated that Russian forces in Ukraine suffered 100,000 killed and wounded "in a meat grinder of its own making" just within the past six months. Blinken stated that Putin believes he can outlast Ukraine and its supporters but reiterated that NATO remains committed to supporting Ukraine, as "Ukraine will never be Russia."

[Emphasis in original -- Thump]

This article also discusses some of the internal dissension between the Russian MoD, Wagner, and Kadyrovite supporters. It looks to me like they're already trying to apportion blame for a defeat the Ukrainians have yet to inflict upon them.
Blinken's right - just imagine how the Germans would have loved a ceasefire in November '42 at Stalingrad.
That would have allowed reinforcements and supplies to reach Paulus' battered Army which in turn would have allowed the Wehrmacht to be in a better position to face the Red Army's new offensive.

Putiin started a bar fight, not a gentleman's boxing bout.
In bar fight rules, the guy that hits the floor gets the shit stomped out of him.
That also shows up the lack of logistic support for the Russian forces.

Under the old Warsaw pact plans Soviet forces were geared towards attacking from East Germany. This is why the tanks
were mainly built to be fast and low profile. The backup supplies were to be supported by Battalions of engineers who were
specifically tasked to build pipelines and rail as they went. Trucks would then be supplying close to the front with
infantry units providing defence through missile batteries etc (Soviet infantry units had a much higher proportion of missile
batteries than other armies).

The Soviet airforce was to also support the forward units and protect the line. This may explain some of the lack of deeper air
attacks - maybe the Russian tactical airforce isn't really geared towards anything but front line operations ?

What Russia has now is a problem as the pipeline / rail building units are no longer in the order of battle (apparently) since the
downsizing of the Russian military (in other words they were broke).

Trucks now have to take over this job. Fuel and other deliveries are not available from a close railhead or pipeline so the trucks
have to cover much greater distances and there aren't enough of them. An example I found of this follows;

With rail and pipelines being built as you go trucks may be around twenty miles for deliveries giving three trips a day (one truck
can carry enough ammunition for one missile unit to fire one barrage). If you go 40 miles it's two trips per day and 90+ miles takes
you down to one. If missile batteries are firing ten barrages only per day then that is ten truckloads per battery.

Trucks travelling long distances are a prime target with the current Russian 'system' being vulnerable. Add to this the need for
supply dumps to be used and there is a definite need to stop Russian troops from smoking.

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