"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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If Ukraine drops the Kerch bridge, how will that affect shipping through the straight?

In other words, if they partially collapse the main span instead of obliterating it, that may create a shipping hazard.
Good question. Depends on the place and the amount of damage. Ironically, the bridge was created as a de-facto barrier that prevents any sizeable vessel to go anywhere beyond one narrow passage - which is easier to control. Or to shut down, as they did in 2018 when they prevented Ukrainian gunboats and the tug to enter the Azov Sea. They towed a disabled tanker from Kerch Shipyard and place it under that main span. So, if that span collapses now, most of the traffic will stop, indeed.
Russian losses in Bakmut were mentioned recently in two interviews.
Reznikov: over 60,000 killed and wounded in 8 months.

View: https://youtu.be/V5CBn01gQZQ

Danilov: 22,816 killed since 01 Sep 2022. According to Danilov, Ukrainian KIA in Bakhmut were 7.5 times less.
Enemy loss estimates should be taken with a grain of salt, indeed... At least we can calculate Ukrainian KIA in Bakhmut, 22,816/7.5=3,042 in 9 months. Still a tragedy but I feared that they were much higher.
"Some local Russian security officials are likely interpreting Russia's draconian wartime legislation to mean that public display of blue and yellow items is outlawed because it might evidence discreet support for Ukraine."
"In recent days, Russian National Guard troops arrested a 22 year old man in Volkhov near St Petersburg for displaying which was eventually determined to be the blue and yellow flag of Russia's own Aerospace Forces."

View: https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1665236216193613824

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/yToR6crlZ-0?feature=share
"Some local Russian security officials are likely interpreting Russia's draconian wartime legislation to mean that public display of blue and yellow items is outlawed because it might evidence discreet support for Ukraine."
"In recent days, Russian National Guard troops arrested a 22 year old man in Volkhov near St Petersburg for displaying which was eventually determined to be the blue and yellow flag of Russia's own Aerospace Forces."

View: https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1665236216193613824

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/yToR6crlZ-0?feature=share

The Master Strategist strikes again.
Good question. Depends on the place and the amount of damage. Ironically, the bridge was created as a de-facto barrier that prevents any sizeable vessel to go anywhere beyond one narrow passage - which is easier to control. Or to shut down, as they did in 2018 when they prevented Ukrainian gunboats and the tug to enter the Azov Sea. They towed a disabled tanker from Kerch Shipyard and place it under that main span. So, if that span collapses now, most of the traffic will stop, indeed.
SaporotRob had the right idea; drop the spans in the Russian channel, leave the Ukraine side standing for now. Good reparations project for the Orcs, postwar: environmentally responsible deconstruction and removal of the entire bridge and its remains.
More problems on the Russian side of the border. The rebel groups seem to be acting fairly smartly .... take prisoners, offer negaitiations with local authorities. Both of which will make it harder for the Kremiln to keep a lid on things....
I don't recall seeing this posted before

Nice. I wonder if a sizeable quantity of RIM-7 missiles were close to their use-by dates and NATO figured, here's a home for them - where they'll definitely be used before they expire.
Time to shove this war down Putin's throat:


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