"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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The Empire of Lies gets another blow back. And again with its own weapons:

And the more such fakes will be, the less the Russians will then understand where is the real Putin is and where is the false one (moreover, the real one always hides in some bunker). And what he actually declares, and what is just a fake.

I have said this before and will say it again: the Reds must be beaten with their own hammers and sickles.
More Ukrainian advances in the last 24 hours, although nothing major. Seems like a gradual ratcheting up in pressure, rather than a new phase.

Offensive operations continued around the salient to the south of Velka Novosilka. Looks like at least two more villages recaptured and fighting is going on for four or five more. Reports are the main Ukrainian force was the 37th Marine Brigade, which includes some western equipment (AMX-10 RC, Mastiff and MRAP variants). Russian sources are claiming Leopards were also seen/killed, but they may be mis-identifying things. Lots of Russian military bloggers talking about 'taking back' villages that the Russian MoD is still claiming its forces are holding onto.

Small advances were made north and south of Bakhmut. There was reportedly hard going against Russian naval infantry. Ukraine's deputy defense minister is quoted as saying that for the moment the main effort is there and Ukrainian forces are operating on a "fairly wide front". Advances of 100m to 1700m reported in these areas.

Also interesting is that some Ukrainian channels are talking about special operations forces, hinting that they're operating deep behind Russian lines in significant strength.Prior to the last week, I've seen very little talk about SOF. One Ukrainian channel stated that a "night work" phase is about to start up. Another attributed some recent longer ranged GMLRS strikes on ammo stores and military barracks as thanks to special forces work.
In looking at a current map, I am noticing that the Ukrainians are applying pressure in various places that aren't of high strategic value.

So I'm looking at key areas that are and those lines are relatively quiet.

So the bigger picture is becoming clear, the Ukrainians are distracting the Russians, drawing their already sparse resources away from high value areas.

And three guesses and two don't count as to where the full force of their offensive will hit.

The Ukrainian tactical playbook for this war is the stuff of legend.
One Ukrainian channel stated that a "night work" phase is about to start up.
The night vision kit provided by the West will make a big difference here.

As Ascent says this has happened and I am sure it is not good.

My guess is that Russia destroyed partly to cut electrical supplies in Ukraine and to prevent it falling back into Ukrainian hands and because the flooding will slow down the Ukrainian advances. I can see no benefit for the Ukrainians in destroying it as it will be needed for its farmers as well as being a source of electricity.

Given it supplies water for cooling the nuclear power station the Orcs are probably hoping that will overheat and cause nuclear radiation damage to Ukraine

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