"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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That Tsar, yes. But choose another rather than toss out the system.

Like Nicky the Second was the one bad apple? No, the Russian peasants had had enough by 1917, the Navy refused to fire upon demonstrators, and then the Bolsheviks jumped in and outmaneuvered Kerensky et al.

So there was literally no Tsar post-WWI to support, and the White Russians got defeated, exiled, or imprisoned. The Russian masses didn't "toss out" the system. The leftists seized it and then imposed terror.

ETA: i see you edited your post in the interim. I may get back to it, but what-ifs about such a corrupt system don't strike me as useful.
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Does anybody learn history anymore?? Our fate was sealed the day they stopped teaching History and swept it under a rug entitled "social studies", so there would be more time to devote to STEM and diversity studies !! Mainstreaming Special Ed in all regular classes didn't help, either. Inadequate education produces inadequate citizens who elect inadequate leaders.
Leave S special ed out of this!
Frontline air defence improvements are needed, or find and kill these helicopters on the ground.

View: https://twitter.com/samramani2/status/1670038104273453056?s=61&t=bmtNxWabcsIKJ6TkHkd-SA
And some news on ATACAMS.

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Did you watch the video?
Yes. No mention of restrictions on China. Rebuild Ukraine invites thousands of international constructions firms to rebuild Ukraine, including Chinese ones presumably. These companies will need to be paid…. and if Ukraine is paying they'll need financing…where China is a big player. "Getting the money sorted", the vid says still needs to be worked out, and the video concludes with a summary that Ukraine risks being saddled with reconstruction debt that it cannot ever repay - which is exactly China's modus operandi in Africa and Sri Lanka, etc., where they finance infrastructure investment and then use the debt to influence government foreign policy. I hope China is excluded, and the mentioned German-type marshal plan with British-led insurance comes to be. If the West does not step up post-war, Ukraine will need money from elsewhere.
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I think you will find that the likes of the USA and others are very conscience of the China factor here. Mind you, this is another reason to be extremely wary of those who want to cut support for Ukraine either now or post war. To do so will force Ukraine towards China by necessity.
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