"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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I am afraid on a less positive note, the latest UK MOD updates are saying that the Ukraine forces are suffering due to the more effective use of the Russian attack helicopters. They are even saying that Russia has the advantage in some area's.

I have often wondered why everyone is talking about the need for aircraft and tanks, yet no one has talked about attack helicopters. The must be a considerable number of these in NATO stocks and even AH-1 would be very effective as most of the targets are infantry and/or APC and IFV's

In the short term more MANPADS would be the most urgent need
A bit more on the Ka-52

In that way it is a good thing that the Russians are now committing some of their best remaining systems, such as the KA-52 helicopter, to this fight. If you want to read a little more about the KA-52 you can take a look at this.
These are some of the most powerful weapons in Russia's arsenal though, like all helicopters they are also very vulnerable to anti-air fire. In this case Russia also possesses only a relatively small number of them (just over 100 it seems, though its very hard to get definite figures).

Now when they appeared, some in the press (as always) dramatically overreacted and stories started appearing about how much damage they had and would inflict.
Then, guess what, the Ukrainians started shooting down KA-52s. This morning they claimed two were shot down yesterday.
I think Russia started out with 130 Ka-52s. They now lost about 30, 35? I believe them to be out production. If they start pulling these from other areas like Syria, along with other equipment, Israel might be less worried about clashes with Russian forces there. If pulled from Kaliningrad or Belorussia, what's going to be left to intimidate NATO?
Just wondering about unintended consequences
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Seems like Ukraine started to address the Helo issue. Take with a grain of salt, this are Ukrainian claims, but I've seen other claims of downed helos (Ka-52 to be precise) during the last 2-3 days.

View: https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1670310914136965121

According to some "pro russian" comments on Iranian social medias, each shahed drone costs about 10k USD...

Questions are:

1- Approximately how many of these drones are downed? And how much it costed Russians?

2- How much Ukraine had paid for downing them? (Price of missiles used to shoot them down)

3- do you think that Iran's government would sell rockets / missiles to Russians? What would be the outcome?
Ukrainian forces may be temporarily pausing counteroffensive operations to reevaluate their tactics for future operations. Head of the Estonian Defense Forces Intelligence Center Colonel Margo Grosberg stated on June 16 that he assesses "we won't see an offensive over the next seven days."[7]The Wall Street Journal similarly reported on June 17 that Ukrainian forces "have mostly paused their advances in recent days" as Ukrainian command reexamines tactics.[8] These reports are consistent with ISW's recent observations of the scale and approach of localized Ukrainian counterattacks in southern and eastern Ukraine.[9] ISW has previously noted that Ukraine has not yet committed the majority of its available forces to counteroffensive operations and has not yet launched its main effort.[10] Operational pauses are a common feature of major offensive undertakings, and this pause does not signify the end of Ukraine's counteroffensive.


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