"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (22 Viewers)

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The world's most advanced Russian so-called science is on the verge of the another greatest discovery in Russia's million-year history:

I suspect that initially the whole planet was called Russia. With the planetary capital in St. Putinburg. But then some russophobes renamed it the Earth - specifically to annoy the Russians. Now it's time to return all geographical objects to their true names.

Indy knows where to find it:


The world's most advanced Russian so-called science is on the verge of the another greatest discovery in Russia's million-year history:

I suspect that initially the whole planet was called Russia. With the planetary capital in St. Putinburg. But then some russophobes renamed it the Earth - specifically to annoy the Russians. Now it's time to return all geographical objects to their true names.
Last sentence of article says it all:
"The Nazis also excavated the peninsula during World War II, looking for evidence that Crimea was German land."
The Greeks were Russian colonists, using a corrupted Russian alphabet. Everybody knows that.
I remember articles by Russian "historians" claiming that Achilles was a "Slavic prince". And since "Slavs are mostly Russian even if they don't know that - like stupid Ukrainians", you know what that means...
The best one that I remember was a theory of the Russian origins of the Etruscans. Because in Russian their name sounds like "Et-ruski", which means shortened version of "Eto Russkiy" (this is a Russian).
About losses. Interesting witness account.
One of the Wagner group commanders known as Marx provided his estimates of losses in the Battle of Bakhmut until 20th May 2023. KIA = 22,000, WIA = 40,000. (I assume that died of wounds are included in this KIA number). This KIA/WIA ratio is close to WWI and probably worse than Red Army's average in WWII.
According to him, of 78,000 personnel that took part in the war, 49,000 were convicts. That explains a lot, I think.
And his Telegram channel:
View: https://t.me/razgruzka_vagnera/240
Russian AA/artillery unit received 6 Tunguska air defence vehicles from MoD, likely from long conservation followed by major repairs - as a result, all six vehicles are disfunctional. In the full version of the video, the reporter states that upon reception, three vehicles were running but after a 30-km march all broke down with major suspension problems, another two suffer from armament control system malfunctions, and a sixth is too dangerous to even start.None of the six transport-reloading vehicles (TZM) were functional either.

View: https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1681569162684932096

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