"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Patton was right. And the plan was ready.

If only the Weimar Republic had lasted a little longer until the global economy began improving in the mid 1930s and populism's appeal had waned. By 1940, Europe might have been united in putting down Stalin and the USSR.
Different times almost 80yrs later
Alas, I think Putin sometimes dreams of this:

So then we must ponder what's Putin doing it for? Putting aside that he's a psychopathic autocrat acting without a strategically-based reason, perhaps he's trying to put domestic and international pressure onto Zelenskyy to commit his reserves and commence the big counteroffensive punch earlier than otherwise planned.

It's hard to say. Reading his mind rapidly turns into a mish-mash, for me. I should think he'd want to avoid forcing the Ukrainians into unleashing their mass, and rather keep them dribbling troops into killing zones ... but he's no longer thought of as a genius.
So then we must ponder what's Putin doing it for? Putting aside that he's a psychopathic autocrat acting without a strategically-based reason, perhaps he's trying to put domestic and international pressure onto Zelenskyy to commit his reserves and commence the big counteroffensive punch earlier than otherwise planned.
"Don't expect rational behavior from me! That's why you must make Zelenskyy give up or I'll destroy the planet. It will be on your heads!"
At least that's what I think Putin's strategy is now.
It's funny because if we know it, the Ukrainians already knew about it.
Patton was right. And the plan was ready.

Operation Unthinkable wasn't a plan. It wasn't even the sketch of a plan.

It was a British General Staff assessment of the relative strengths of the Western Allies and the Soviet Union. Along with some wishful thinking about rearming Germany.

It was prepared at the request of Churchill to see if it was feasible to impose the "will" of the Western allies on "Russia" and possibly free Poland.

It makes for pretty sobering reading. The conclusion of the planning staff is that without massive initial surprise, any conflict would likely end up in a protracted bloody war.

This is all that the Russian military industry is now capable of producing. So far, Putin has at least a few barrels of paint left.
Attacking civilian targets in Ukraine, however, steeles their resolve.

All Russia is doing, is making Ukrainians more determined than ever to defeat the invaders. Especially when children are involved.

Look how the people immediately went back into the church to clean it up. This is not a people even close to being demoralized.

Agree and although I wish that the Ukrainians would retaliate in kind in St Petersburg I know that would be completely and totally counterprodictive
So then we must ponder what's Putin doing it for? Putting aside that he's a psychopathic autocrat acting without a strategically-based reason, perhaps he's trying to put domestic and international pressure onto Zelenskyy to commit his reserves and commence the big counteroffensive punch earlier than otherwise planned.
Putin is trying the lets force others to step in and force Ukraine to negotiate as they will be the bad guys who want to keep
fighting while the rest of the world endures famine due to a food crisis.

That is why the post was shown earlier of the ludicrous TV broadcast in Russia about how other countries would have to
become Russia's friends to stop the coming famine.

First off, a clumsy or even a panic move as most can see who is really the bad guy in this.

Second, the Russian target control and therefore modern, efficient strike capacity of their missiles is not good (to put it
politely), which is why they couldn't hit the intended targets - port facilities and so forth, meaning they hit a church instead.

Stukas are back!!!

Remarkably rare footage of a Ukrainian FPV loitering munition operating at a training ground, with this individual unit modified to drop smaller 40mm VOG grenades.
This setup is fairly interesting, the drone makes a steep dive before releasing a grenade, with relative accuracy. The dispenser reportedly can carry more than one grenade, though that is still unconfirmed.

View: https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1683308208113307651
And what happened when Pearl Harbor was attacked? The result was not what the Japanese anticipated...
Sure it was, exactly as the Japanese anticipated. At least based on what Yamamoto, the architect of the Pearl Harbour attack told the Japanese to anticipate. Something along the lines of Japan will awakened a giant, we'll get six months of the initiative before we start to get our asses kicked. Yamamoto was spot on.

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