"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Tanks have issues.
They work in the perfect world.
As seen in Ukraine, probably not so much in the imperfect world.

Clown on a unicycle with a bazooka can operate in the perfect world.

But what happens when it all goes horribly wrong?

Tanks are big expensive items with big heavy logistics and things go wrong.

In Ukraine, we have seen tanks get stuck in mud or run out of fuel or blown up.

If infantry can now destroy tanks easily and reliably then the tank is in trouble because you're paying a lot of money for something that's destroyed easily.

Also the other option is to husband tanks and only use them in areas that are safe to do so. Which is pointless for a tank as it's supposed to be offensive.

If you have to treat tanks like glass then you have a problem.

Road transport is very vulnerable as it has to use the available road network which allows ambush and IED. Tanks need fuel and the tankers are not armoured so can be destroyed by even RPG. So a tank with no fuel is an expensive pillbox.
Where ever the Russians have taken over, the elected city officials have been kidnapped and we all all know what most likely was their fate. Putinistas replaced them with either Russians or Ukrainian Quislings. If The Ukrainian people do manage by a miracle to defeat Russia, execute them as traitors without delay.
Accordingly to the news....

Putin has put forward proposal for peace based pretty much on what I have said. So it would be interesting to see if the Ukrainian go for it.

Obviously the idea that Ukraine should disarm is nonsense but the idea that Ukraine is not threat to Russia is an odd statement as Ukraine hasn't been a threat to Russia in the first place.

Now to Crimea. The proposed is that Ukraine accept Crimea is now Russian and live with it.

Brass tacks. Can Ukraine take back Crimea.? Let's say no. Will the Russians defend Crimea?let's say yes

So Ukraine giving up on Crimea is a case of reality as it's not getting it back anyhow and it's sacrifice what it doesn't have anyway.

In Ye olde days, this is how wars were fought. You go to war, sign a peace treaty, get some land and then go home. Franco Prussian war is a good example.

Which is another odd concept as Putin is fighting for land which could be considered medieval in its thinking.

So would Ukraine give up on Crimea or the Donbass? For peace and withdraw of Russian forces from the Ukraine of 2020…? We shall see....but I believe the answer will be yes.
Regaining Crimea is a lost cause. On other issues, no compromise under any circumstances. Any victory for Poot hog is out of the question. Exterminate all Russian forces on the ground and make that Son of a Rat Turd beg to stop the genocide of the Ukrainian culture. Arrest him and hang his a$$ from a tree in public. It's a damn shame that a Daisy Cutter didn't land in the stadium during his rally and speech. May God forgive me but it would have been so satisfying.
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The T 72 series tank was first produced as far back as 1969. Modified versions are still in use but they are not state of the art so to speak.

Abrams, Challenger, and Leopard tanks are far tougher opponents in modern terms. This is all a good example of the state of the Russian armed forces.

It's also why Russian tanks don't stand up to more modern hand held AT weapons.
As a former tanker, let me simply say that what we're seeing in the Ukraine is typical. It happens every time you commit tanks without proper combined arms support. Tanks need infantry and artillery. Artillery needs tanks and infantry. Infantry needs artillery and tanks. Of the three only the infantry can get by without the others for a short time but without support, you can only run an insurgency for the long term.

I have seen in videos from this war, over and over, of tanks operating without infantry support and getting ambushed as a result. And when columns are ambushed they do not know anti-ambush drills (at it's simplest - turn into the ambush and charge firing at anything that moves) and in their panic loose far more as a result.

The FSU (former Soviet Union) tank designs have significant flaws but can provide appropriate support for their branch of the combined arms triad if the logistics, training and maintenance is up to snuff. When any of them, much less all of them, are fails then you have nothing but coffins for three men each.

These deaths lead to fury, fear and panic which leads to the war crimes we see as well because the troops have no discipline or training to fall back on and they take it out on civilians instead since to go up against the highly trained and disciplined Ukrainian army has been shown to be, essentially, suicide. Discipline is not an end in itself but without it, nothing else can be made to happen. The Russian army is even worse than the US Army of 1975 ~ 1980 in this respect. But we got over the debacle that was Vietnam; they still haven't gotten over Afghanistan.
Another general KIA? How many so far? When was the last war so many generals get KIA, WW2?
Mordichev would make the 5th.

So far, the list of top officers (not including the most recent General) killed in the Ukraine, is:

Maj. Gen. Andrei Sukhovetsky
Maj. Gen. Vitaly Gerasimov
Maj. Gen. Andrey Kolesnikov
Maj. Gen. Oleg Mityaev
Lt. Col. Dmitry Safronov
Lt. Col. Denis Glebov
Guard Col. Konstantin Zizevsky
Guard Lt. Col. Yuri Agarkov
Col. Andrei Zakharov
Gen. Magomed Tushaev (Chechen)
Col. Vladimir Zhoga (seperatist commander)
Another general KIA? How many so far? When was the last war so many generals get KIA, WW2?
If you accept Executed and Assassinated as KIA, it would be Iran's Revolution of 1979.

81 Generals, including several retired ones, were Killed, executed or Assassinated.

If you add the incidents leading to the events, the number would rise to 115 successful execution / assasinations, and 22 failed attempts.

If you add "High Ranking Officers", the list goes beyond 750.

I think that is exactly what will happen, but its a mistake. Putin will be back for the rest, and he won't make the same mistakes.
Why allow Putin to keep anything? I do agree with The Basket and Der Adler as to what will probably happen but hear me out. Ukraine is winning so bargain from strength. Why even talk about ceding any territory? If Putler knows he's starting off with Crimea, and Donbas, he'll demand more. Meanwhile, his army is being whittled down, displaying its incompetence for all the world to see. Putin may be on the ropes. Don't make it easier for him. Force him to bargain rather than let him think he keeps what he stole. The longer Russia is stuck in there, the more losses while being humiliated. Putler's grip just might be weakening a bit. If you are one of his generals, the future ain't looking too good. Take the rap for him and die or take a bullet and die. The Russian economy ain't to healthy right now. Not good for the guy in charge.
Now we play hard ball. No Western "timidity". Donbas, Luhansk and Crimea? Referendum time. For every Russian troop there, one each from several other nations. De-militarization of Belorussia. No one way disarmament. He don't like? Too bad. We keep talking until his country is broken.
He's going to want an out. If he still wants to keep his phony baloney job he will be forced to bargain. However, make it crystal clear that he is losing something. No win at all. We get all Ferengi on his ass!

I think that Crimea is a lost cause but maybe not. Make Putler sweat. Make him howl! It is very cavalier for me to say we'll fight to the last Ukrainian. I don't want to see a replay of the Sudetenland where Czechoslovakia is distributed among great powers with no say in its fate at all.
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