"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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I agree with you, and that's what I have been advocating all along. If Ukraine gives anything, Putler will see that as weakness and want a bigger piece of the pie. Ceding land for peace is just kicking the can down the road.
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Kudos to these Generals for fighting alongside their men. But if the Generals are at the front who's at the rear managing strategy?
Several high rankings officers were specifically targeted by Ukrainian forces because of poor commsec.
The frequency of high ranking commanders being caught in forward areas, is because the Kremlin is ordering them up there to get things moving.

They were not supposed to be up there initially - they are not fighting alongside their men, but they are at least dying with them...
Several high rankings officers were specifically targeted by Ukrainian forces because of poor commsec.
This is another aspect of the institutional memory of the Russian Army which baffles me. They got annihilated at Tannenberg in 1914 in large part due to inadequate comsec, and then in the opening days of Barbarossa the suffered huge defeats in some cases due to poor comsec ... yet here they are again.

I wonder if their equivalent of our Army's Training and Doctrine Command has been starved of funding in order to build weapons? They seem to be repeating so many grievous and yet elementary mistakes.
I am also curious as to what they are teaching in officer school.

I know that in their public school system (particularly during Soviet years) a great deal of what actually happened in Imperial Russia was glazed over and so too, details about the "Great Patriotic War".
So with all the historical wrangling and editing, perhaps unfavorable situations, losses and failures have been forgotten?

In the early stages of Putler's invasion, I was convinced that the amateur performance of the mighty Russian Army was a ruse, because there was no way a military supposedly ranked up there in the world's top three could be so inept.

It appears that I was wrong...
I understand that the Ukranian government also stated that any Russian vehicles they happened find (and keep) will be tax exempt.

They have been kindly "donating" working equipment that they've "found" to the Ukraine Army, though.
Same here. Now he's dipping into his front line units. The only non-nuclear might he could threaten us with would have to be Chinese.
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Evidently some of these cruise missiles have come from naval vessels off Odessa. I have seen film footage from Odessa showing these vessels lined up off-shore. Does Ukraine have Exocet Missiles or equivalent to take these vessels out? Can they be provided by NATO or is that equipment too difficult to deploy?


Entirely agree. You should have infantry sweeping the flanks of the tank advance to identify, and preferably neuralize, ambush points.

I was also going to make the same point as WARSPITER . The T-64 and T72 are 1960s vintage designs. Yes, they've had upgrades but they're still considerably more vulnerable than either the M1 Abrams or Challenge 2. Bolting on ERA will improve protection somewhat but, as we're seeing, it's not sufficient against modern AT weapons.

All this brings me back to the point I made a few pages back...I just can't comprehend what sort of war the Russian forces were expecting. Unsupported tank columns smacks of expecting "Kursk v2.0" which was NEVER going to happen in Ukraine...but even at Kursk, the largest tank battle in history with approx 10,000 tanks employed by both sides, there were still significantly more infantry (over 2 million soldiers on both sides).

I wonder if we're seeing the impact of ingrained, decades-long requirement to provide the "appropriate" answer up the chain, instead of the answer that the facts support?
Russian column was ambushed, the video appeared on youtube 18/03/22 Information about place and time not have.

Ukrainian soldier was wounded 18\03\22 near Kiev (Or Chernigiv)

Destroyed column technic RF 14\03\22

One more column technic RF ~18\03\22

Destroyed technic RF near Izyum(Kharkov region) 16\03\22

First rule is to stop the bleeding.

If you're chased by the tiger then it's not time to hang about.it's not about 10 years time but all about 10 seconds time.

Future Putin is future Ukraine's problem. Have to deal with the present.

If it makes ya feel better then at least you can say Ukraine has no other choice.

And give the Russians a few years to rebuild their forces and come back for seconds? First rule of thumb in training both animals and people is that you never reward bad behavior.

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