"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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I hope they are in country for a while before the press know as the Russians have no doubt created scenarios based on their arrival.

The more Russians the Vipers can improve before the news gets out and the Russians change tactics the better
Ukraine will need more than the fifty-odd Vipers Netherlands and Denmark have available. What about all the F-16s in the boneyards in the US, can any be reactifated?

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So far, "falling to their death" seems to top the list (including off a boat and drowning).

Suicide looks to be a close contender, mainly by firearms.

"Heart Problems" is also up there on the list.

* the server won't let me post the link for some reason, I'll try and add it later *

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