"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I was just being flippant, nothing to take seriously. But since we're there, I'd think it would be cheaper to repair than scrap.
Time for some Ukrainian specialists or paid-for-operatives to rent a ship packed with bomb-laden drones and smash them into the north korean ammo ships.
Optional attack the soviet ammo depot instead if its freshly laden from several ships.
Time for some Ukrainian specialists or paid-for-operatives to rent a ship packed with bomb-laden drones and smash them into the north korean ammo ships.
Optional attack the soviet ammo depot instead if its freshly laden from several ships.
I was thinking along similar lines. Your idea is more..discrete..than my idea of chucking drones or missiles from a distance. Either way, I hope the appropriate eyes are watching the Super Bowl or something when the crew transfers to the get-away vessel.
If Ukraine can get a missile or drone onto a ship carrying ammunition there will be a blast like no other in this conflict. It could easily be thousands of tons of ammunition going up at the same time
If Ukraine can get a missile or drone onto a ship carrying ammunition there will be a blast like no other in this conflict. It could easily be thousands of tons of ammunition going up at the same time
Ukraine does have its supporters in Siberia. I'm thinking Special Ops strike or at least an observer group to watch and report back when the ammo ships are in range.

Viktor Klimov, the commander of the Russian Il-22M, was killed according to Russian media. The co-pilot, got wounded but managed to land the plane.
We have only seen images of the tail, but I guess the rest of the plane isn't much better.
Putting our views as to the conflict to one side for a moment, fair full marks must go to the co pilot. Dead pilot, himself wounded and a badly damaged aircraft.

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