"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Transporting PoWs with an expensive aircraft instead of train or bus? Very believable. and just 65 in the large aircraft? If they were really aboard and mixed with war weapons like the assumed S-300 rockets this would be just another russian war crime.

It looks the plane did not fly towards Belgorod but took off from Belgorod so the PoW claim is likely bogus.

So the russian publish a list of the 65 PoW that they claim to have been aboard this plane. But 17 of them were already exchanged in early January ....
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Anyway all the blame lies on Putin - it was he who started this war. Without this war, there would have been no any POWs at all. And during this war the Ukrainians simply shot down another enemy aircraft. Without crystal ball, how could they know who was onboard.

One would think that a prisoner-swap transport would be clearly marked, course clearly announced ahead of time, flown with peacetime transponders on, and so forth, precisely to avoid this sort of thing.

I regard the PoW-swap story as an attempt to make the Ukrainians shy away from further shoot-downs. I.E., the usual Russian bullshit. They cannot admit defeat, and there must be a Ukrainian defeat in the nested Russian doll. Bullshit, ladies, This is just Russians playing at better optics for a grim disaster, imo.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday advanced legislation to allow the U.S. to seize frozen Russian assets to pay for Ukraine's reconstruction.

The top Democrat and Republican on the panel were confident that Senate leadership viewed the legislation, called the REPO Act, as a priority for passage amid stalled efforts to deliver on further assistance for Ukraine.

"Leadership's committed to move this as quickly as it can. It very well could be a caboose on a bill that goes through here quickly," said Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), the ranking member of the committee and sponsor of the REPO Act.

If signed into law, the legislation would mark the first time the U.S. has seized foreign assets of a country with which it is not at war. Lawmakers said that the Biden administration is supportive of the bill.

"They want to have this in their toolkit," said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), chair of the committee.


Would be nice to see the ex Australian MRH90s there as well.

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