"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I assume this is because of the HESH round which proved highly effective vs concrete fortifications. Plus I assume they got a lot of ammo from the brits. Hopefully enough replacement barrels too.
I assume this is because of the HESH round which proved highly effective vs concrete fortifications. Plus I assume they got a lot of ammo from the brits. Hopefully enough replacement barrels too.
I suppose the idea of gifting Jordan's four hundred Challenger 1s to Ukraine is off the table. They'd make for greater snipers as you describe. There was hope last summer, as summarized below.

About "Ivanovets" missile boat (guided missile corvette) that was clubbed to death sunk by Ukrainian marine drones three days ago.

This is a picture of this ship bravely confronting the Ukrainian Border Guards' boat at the entrance of Balaklava Bay near Sevastopol in February 2014, during the first days of Russian aggression.

Karma is a bitch, comrade orc...

Re above, I am not sure what happened to this:


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