"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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We haven't heard much about how Ukraine's T-55 variant, the M-55S is doing.

The M-55S is not your grandfather's T-55. With a 105mm L7 gun, upgraded fire control and sensors, and new engine and suspension, how much of the original T-55 is left?
On rumours of staff changes in the UAF. Generals come and go. Ukraine doesn't need a Douglas MacArthur like figure interfering with domestic politics. Given Ukraine's near zero territorial gains in 2023, Zaluzhnyi is clearly not superman, and Ukraine has a wealth of skilled military leaders. Which is essential, because even if he stays, Zaluzhnyi could be KIA or naturally expire. During WW2, forty US Generals and five USN Admirals died during or shortly after the war. Heck, how many Generals have the Russians lost so far? You need to have a pipeline of ready replacements.
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On the topic of AWACS, it's notable in this age of ever powerful yet smaller systems, how compact they are becoming, GlobalEye. Though NATO is keeping with the larger and presumably more capable Boeing E-7 Wedgetail.

Meanwhile every Israeli who can hold a gun is seemingly signing up. I suppose the difference is that Jews know they have no where to go if they're overwhelmed, whereas Ukrainians can integrate into neighbouring ex-CIS, EU or North America easily enough. You can be Ukrainian even if there is no free Ukraine, much as there were Poles when pre-1918 there was no recognizable Poland.

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The "training" excuse is not legitimate - several nations have been training Ukrainian soldiers before they go home to deploy.

I suspect that it's more fear driven, in the fact the Russian soldiers have a long track record of brutality and atrocities and you're better off dead than be captured by them.
According to some Ukrainian sources (not officially confirmed by any side yet), Russian general Tatarenko has been retired by a Ukrainian missile in Crimea . He was in charge of anti-air defense.


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