"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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I really really hope he learned from history. Whenever a political leader (or dictator) interfered with army command and installed someone he likes better this often ended up in desaster. You'll permanently see this on the russian side, it was visible on the german side with Adolf directly interfering/commanding. There should be many more bad examples of this.
That said, if you look at the US Civil war, there is an argument to be made that Lincoln's 'interference' was valid and possibly should have been done earlier. There is no 'golden rule'.
I totally agree with this, but it has to be said that his performance as leader has been exceptionally good. There is also a case for switching people around. The pressure they have been under must be exceptional.
Also people have their strengths and weaknesses which may be a factor here.

To use a WW2 example, If I was defending I would want Monty as my leader, If I was attacking, Patton. If I have to have one leader for both, Slim.
Whenever a political leader interfered with army command and installed someone he likes better this often ended up in disaster.
Better than the other way round. The elected politicians must have the final say. And Zaluzhnyi is not a god, there are likely many who can step up.

Within the first year or so from Pearl Harbour, FDR essentially removed most of the top Generals and Admirals. There were a lot of good leaders waiting for their step.
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I wonder how much of this is a result of frustration from the precarious situation Ukraine is now in. It went from growing strength to scraping by with what they can while Mordor is massing more forces.
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I wonder how much of this is a result of frustration from the precarious situation Ukraine is now in. It went from growing strength to scraping by with what they can while Mordor is massing more forces.
Ukraine inferred to us all in their promotional marketing and communications that 2023 was going to be their big push. Instead they gain about 100 sqkm. Someone has to own that.

A big issue facing Zelenskyy in 2024-25 will be manpower. Those in the front these past two years were volunteers and need to be rotated back to train new recruits and now be replaced by conscripts.
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Whether Zelenskyy is or isn't justified in relieving Zaluzhnyi is beyond my knowledge or understanding; there may be things behind the curtain justifying it, or not. But I think making this a public discussion is a bad idea, as it potentially undercuts Zaluzhnyi's authority and the trust his subordinates put in him.
I think making this a public discussion is a bad idea, as it potentially undercuts Zaluzhnyi's authority and the trust his subordinates put in him.
Agreed. It does look like amateur hour at the Mariinskyi Palace. Even if he's not sacked, Zaluzhnyi's got to resign. As you say, his authority and trust have taken an irreversible, irreparable hit. Seemingly by Zelenskyy's own loose tongue.
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Agreed. It does a little like amateur hour at the Mariinskyi Palace. Even if he's not sacked, Zaluzhnyi's got to resign.

It almost seems as if Zelenskyy is unsure of the decision and prefers instead to float a trial balloon.

It should be done in private and the axe should drop without letting it hang out for all to see. Short and sharp. The blade should hit the neck and not the knees, if you must drop it at all.
George Marshall was the brain behind those moves, FDR was a navy man, not a soldier, but he trusted his experts; starting
with the 100 Days, in1933.

I think that the existing Ukrainian military leadership have done a sterling job but by now they must be mentally exhausted from the long term stress and long hours.

For this reason alone I think a change of leadership is probably warranted.

Add to that the Orcs have now had time to analyse how the existing leaders will react to specific actions by the Orcs so that also is a good reason to give the existing leaders a well deserved rest, In six months or so time they may well be back in the same or similar saddles, refreshed and ready to go.

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