"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I've immediately thought of the Judas Priest song 'Between the hammer and the anvil'
Unconfirmed reports say Russian landing ship Caesar Kunikov has been hit.
Nice! Already added to Wikipedia, lol. Russia hasn't lost this many warships in a single campaign since Tsushima.

Why the heck are the Russians sailing these important landing ships off Crimea without any escorts, small patrol craft or drones overhead? It looks like the Kunikov is just sitting there.
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Let them continue this behaviour - more targets for the Ukrainians to sink. I was under the impression that the ship may have been anchored or the vid starts when its engines were already disabled by prior hits.
The vast majority of the Ukraine armed forces are still equipped with very similar equipment as the Russian forces. The exception is probably its artillery, however you can have the largest technical advantage in the world, but without ammunition, it counts for nothing.
I like this graphic... low rez and all.

Image of all the warships in the Russian Black Sea Fleet battle updated to show the Caesar Kunikov (far left, fourth from bottom) newly sunk. Ships shaded yellow are in long-term maintenance. Since Russia's Feb. 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine the Kremlin has lost roughly half of its operational warships and was forced out of its main naval base in Sevastopol.
Perhaps but it has a line in more then a few... lets say... "operations" in the West. Knowing were what is and by who is an advantage.
It saves masses amounts of munitions.

Its like Bleechy Park all over again. I am sure.

Russians will communicate on lesser levels with stuff that has been compromised years and years ago. Taking out those ships isnt luck.
Let them continue this behaviour - more targets for the Ukrainians to sink. I was under the impression that the ship may have been anchored or the vid starts when its engines were already disabled by prior hits.
If the Russians are going to anchor their important vessels at sea, I'd love to see the Ukrainians board and capture a Russian landing ship.

It would be karma for Russian piracy in 2014 https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/russia-seizes-ukrainian-naval-ships-idUSRTS27SIS/
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