"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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Ukraine used Advika like they used Bakhmut - a killing zone.

While Russia had been obsessed with hurling men and material into that meat grinder, Ukraine has been quietly taking out key positions in and near Crimea and sinking Russian ships amongst other things.

The media seems to assume Ukraine is "losing" because they pulled back from Advika, but that is furthest from the truth.
re Denmark donating "all" of the Artillery to Ukraine and what amount that is.
A noble example, but how many artillery shells would Denmark have? ten, maybe twenty thousand?

Denmark had 70+ M109 155mm SPG on inventory before they decided to retire them, the last of the bunch beginning in 2020. As far as I know they did not retire their 155mm ammunition since they intended to use it for their new Caesar 155mm SPG - all 19x of which they donated to Ukraine early last year.

For the past 10 years (longer I think, but I do not remember when the current standard was set) the NATO requirement has been a minimum ammunition stock of 30 days per gun - at 300 rounds per day. So a minimum supply of 9000 rounds per gun in the magazines.

A small number of M109 SPG were kept in service due to the delay in Caesar deliveries, and were again kept in service due to the donation of the Caesars to Ukraine. Their current regular army artillery strength is supposed to be composed of 19x "ATMOS 2000 - Wikipedia", but I am not sure if they have all been delivered yet.

I am not sure about the currant status of the last of their M109s.
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Interesting comments from the ISW today

1) Available imagery, which ISW will not present or describe in greater detail at this time to preserve Ukrainian operational security, does not support claims that Ukrainian forces lack prepared defensive positions west of Avdiivka. The Ukrainian command also recently committed fresh units to the Avdiivka front to counterattack advancing Russian forces and provide an evacuation corridor for Ukrainian units withdrawing from Avdiivka.[4] These newly committed units are likely able to establish and hold defensive positions against Russian forces, degraded by their assaults on the town, west of Avdiivka. Russian forces, which have suffered high personnel and equipment losses in seizing Avdiivka, will likely culminate when they come up against relatively fresher Ukrainian units manning prepared defensive positions.

2) Russian forces have not yet demonstrated an ability to secure operationally significant gains or conduct rapid mechanized maneuver across large swaths of territory, and the capture of Avdiivka should not be taken as demonstrating this capability. ISW distinguishes between tactical gains, relevant at the tactical level of war in the near vicinity of the fighting, and operational gains which are significant at the operational level of war and affect large sectors of the entire front line.

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