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Yeah...and in other news apparently the sky is blue.I'm shocked.
Hmmmmm, Who could be interested in some F-16 or Mirage 2000?
Greece Plans To Sell F-16s, Mirages To Rationalize Its Fighter Inventory
Greece is set to sell off some of its F-16s and Mirage 2000s as it plans to reduce its diverse combat aircraft
If you want a good old fashioned bomb truck, you could do a lot worse than an F4. Maintaining it would be a nightmare.That article covers exactly that topic. Mind you, with the way so much old 1970s/80s (and older) equipment is getting re-use in the war, one could even see their F-4 Phantoms getting use...
I think a key point is made at the end of the piece when it points out that this mobilisation may well include the major cities, areas that have previously been except from mobilisations.
I am shocked. Not.
They're big, fast, carry a ton o' fun and I just watched a vid on Sandboxx where an F-4 drone was shot down by the latest and greatest AMRAAM. I guess there's a bunch left. Think of the mayhem and merriment a dozen or so launched with a drone swarm could provide.They could use them as big drones, packed with fuel and explosives, maybe some Elint receivers to locate radar/sam sites, and have them attack some bigger targets.
How much range do they have with afterburners on at very low alt?
Hmmm...Terminator Phantom. Something similar to what I suggested years ago be done with the RAAF F-111s.Mmmmm
I think the Ukrainians could convert those F-4s into a superb long range kamikaze drone and the type could go out in a blaze of glory.