"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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I think Poland has aspirations in that direction.
Their aspirations may be sound, but Ukraine has stunted a world superpower.

With modern equipment, extensive combat experience and a growing military/industrial complex, Ukraine will be able to be on a level (or surpass) even France or Germany.

This is not to cast aspersions on Poland, but the last shooting war Poland was involved in, was almost 80 years ago.
re Patriot on trailer or truck

The Patriot PAC 2 systems are usually mounted on trucks (though not always). If you notice, the PAC 2 units use a 4-box launcher setup. The PAC 2 and PAC 2GEM missiles are significantly larger in cross-section than the PAC 3, and weigh 2.5-3 times the PAC 3 missiles (depending on the type of PAC 2 and PAC 3).

The Patriot PAC 3 systems are usually trailer mounted (though not always). If you notice, the PAC 3 system uses smaller boxes and may have upto 16 missiles total per trailer. With the PAC 3MSE missiles you will sometimes see 12 missiles as they weight more than the PAC 3CRI. Although the individual PAC 3 missiles are lighter and smaller in cross-section than the PAC 2 missiles, the additional weight of the extra missiles often requires a tractor w/flatbed trailer arrangement for stability (due to the higher CoG of the stack) and mobility (ie more wheels on the ground for lower ground pressure).

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So, is Ukraine finally going to receive long range, bridge-busting M48 or M57 ATACMS. It was such as disappointment when the US shipped the older M39 short range, cluster variant.

loadin', loadin', loadin'
gotta keep on loadin'
gotta get ammo ready, to gooo!
Ukraine needs the ammo
they want stuff that goes blammo
we gotta get it overthere, in time

loadin', loadin', loadin'
at an undisclosed location
the C-17s are waitin', to gooo!
get that forklift outta there'
Ukraine is still waitin'
we gotta get it overthere, in time

pick it up!
put it on
pack it in
strap it down
close the doors
raise the ramp

(chorus shout) cleared to go!

(sound of very powerfull and very loud turbofans spooling up)

we gotta get it overthere, in time

Currently being sung (you might be amazed at how many bassos there are around here) at an undisclosed location near you (if you live in the midwest - somewhere).
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This may be informative:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrZLEf8wZJs

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